The Maiden-Mothers of Haverach, Part 2 [ff] [anal] [oral] [preg] [monster] [weird] [fantasy]

Kate woke to an urgent tug on her arm. She stared at the stone ceiling in disbelief; it felt impossible that she would find herself still in the alcove and not wrapped up in bed. The red girl looked down at at her wide-eyed, wearing an expression of concern. “Come. Come,” she said. “The rings are heating.”

True enough, the concentric metal rings beneath her were warm to the touch. “They will be red hot in a moment,” said Yewet. “That would burn even me. We must retreat to the Mating Hall until the heat subsides. Kate–it is rare for the Father to force us out of hiding like this.”

Kate felt cold terror run from her throat to somewhere in her belly as they stumbled out of the gap and into the vastness of the hall. “Is it because of me?”

The Maiden-Mothers of Haverach, Part 1 [ff] [anal] [oral] [preg] [weird] [fantasy]

Kate's phone droned twice in her handbag, urgent and insistent. She took her gaze from the road for all of a second. Her bag chose just that moment to come adrift from its place on her passenger seat, rolling up the seat-back like a thing alive. Her glowing phone and sundry other personal effects spilled weightlessly from the bag's open zipper. The horizon beyond the passenger window rotated with ponderous slowness, the bright morning sky and the dark of the Dakota hills exchanging places twice. Her engine keened like a wounded animal so she eased her foot off the gas. Somewhere glass shattered. Before she had quite realised her mistake she was subsumed in darkness.

Kate woke with a hypnic jerk, the sudden sensation of falling that causes sleepers to reel from the edge of dreaming. She gasped for breath, arching her spine and kicking her legs. She threw out her arms as if to halt her fall. She expected to feel her bed, or even the ceiling of her car, but the floor beneath her was naught but cold, dewy stone.

Janice and the Mushroom King Part 2.2 [Mf] [voy] [oral] [weird] [fantasy]

Billy circled around the swamp and clambered into the stump as quietly as he could. He undid the zipper of his overalls to expose his member to the air, which was a great relief in itself. He found a knot-hole at just the right elevation for his oak-hard cock and slid it through. He took moss and grass from within arm's reach and packed it around the hole until his thick and expectant cock looked like it had sprouted there as naturally as any woodland agaric.

The faery led Janice to the stump. "This should be a straightforward one," he said. "Though this variety may feel or taste a bit unusual. I can assure you that it looks like it's in quite good health, however."

Janice ran her hand down the bark of the stump. "I know this old tree," she said. "Daddy sometimes holes up here when he's out huntin'." Billy breathed as shallow and silent as he could. The girl was less than two feet away. The sticky-sweet smell of her perfume mixed with her sweat and feminine excitement and the woody mushroom musk that clung to her seemed to billow around Billy and he fought an urge to plunge his face into the girl's neck and clamp his thick arms around her and steal a deep draught of her. Instead he focused entirely on his penis, which raged just inches from her searching fingertips.

Janice and the Mushroom King Part 2.1 [Mf] [voy] [oral] [weird] [fantasy]

Janice emerged from the narrow crack in the hillside with all the grace of a breach-born calf, lubricated by the abundance of fungal fluids that coated her from her cute dimpled chin to her neat little navel. Billy was crouched close enough to see that her mouth was also full of the stuff, her cheeks bulging gerbil-like.

She made a grasping motion with an outstretched hand until the Mushroom King passed her his gourd, then she retched the mouthful of thick mushroom-drainings into the neck of the gourd and gasped for breath.

"Lord," she said, brushing away the stray hairs that clung to her cheek. "Them eager little fellers did half the work. I swear they were fightin' each other for room in my mouth."

She stretched and patted herself down, then found her cane and click-clacked in the direction of the stream. She knelt there and splashed herself with cupped handfuls of clear water until her face and chest were clean. The faery handed her a bundle of twenties which she took with a smile and folded into the rear pocket of her denim shorts.

"Where to next?" she asked.

Janice and the Mushroom King Part 1 [f] [voy] [fantasy]

Billy Hickfort lived with his blind stepdaughter, Janice. By day she would go for long walks in the woods by their old trailer while Billy trapped critters and worked his still.

One evening Janice came stumbling home with a smile on her face, her cut-off overalls and long red hair crusted with some variety of pale goo, a huge wad of cash in one hand.

"Well shit, Janice! What in tarnation happened to you? Where'd you come across that currency?"

"You won't believe it," said Janice. "I met a faery in the woods. He said he was High King of the Mushrooms, and he had a mushroom drainin' job for me if I found it agreeable. Now you know I likes to help out round here with money when I can, so I said I'd give it a try. The King led me to a mushroom growin' sideways from the trunk of a tree, and he told me to tug it and squeeze it and rub it 'til it pops, and when I was done he gave me a big old handful o' bills. He said I was a born-natural at it! So he led me all round the woods and worked me 'til I was sore. I was squeezin' all kinds! Big ones and little ones and thick ones and thin ones and smooth ones and veiny ones and even one with a kink in its side, and the faery give me more money each time."