Long distance friend with benefits

I didn’t plan on going out that night, but I just didn’t want to spend another Saturday night at home alone watching TV or even worse, working. I spend most of my time traveling for work and haven’t dated much in the last few years. One of my buddies, Dick, mentioned one Facebook that a local brewery was introducing their new summer beers and was giving free samples. I thought I would go and hang out for a little while just to get out. When I arrived, Dick was talking to a very attractive young lady. I grabbed myself a drink and went to talk to Dick. We talked for a little while then the went to mingle. Not wanting to go back and sit in my empty apartment alone,I decided to stay to people watch and watch a game or 2 on the big screen TVs. That’s when Aurora came over and introduced herself. She started off by asking how I knew Dick, she he had only met him that night. Aurora had attended a friends wedding earlier in the day and somebody had recommended she try out this brewery before heading back home in the morning. We had a lot in common including spending most of her time traveling for work, we talked for several hours before she had to leave, she had an early flight.When I got home I checked out Facebook one last time before going to bed and noticed that Aurora had invited me to be one of her friends,I accepted. We had a lot in common but I still really never expected to hear from her again. I am an average looking white guy in my early fifties and she is a very attractive younger African American woman, not the type of woman I expected would be interested in me.

Categorized as Erotica

I Have Always Loved You

I wrote this 2 years ago and posted it on a website that disappeared shortly after I posted. I thought it was lost but I recently found it again.

I have never done anything like this before, but the idea came out of nowhere and I wanted to share it.

Miranda has been my best friend for as long as anybody can remember, through grade school, high school and even college. Even though we went to different colleges in different states, we kept in touch and spent holidays and summers together. I dated a little in college but nothing ever worked out, I just didn’t find that connection with anybody. I assumed she did too but she never said anything about it and I never asked. When we graduated we both found jobs in town even though we weren’t doing what we studied for. After a few years we realized that we were unhappy in our careers and that we were holding each other back, so we decided we needed to go our separate ways and look for jobs elsewhere. She found a new position at the company she was already working for, but it was halfway across the country. She only had a week until she needed to be there. They were going to put her up in a company apartment so she didn’t need to find a place to live before she arrived. Since we were both still living with our parents, she didn’t have much to pack but her clothes.