
Names changed ๐Ÿ˜

It has been too long. As you arrive at the lakeside house I have rented for the weekend, I walk out to meet you at your car. You step out of the car in the summer dress I had shipped to your house. “Wow, that looks incredible on you, Sarah!” “Hi, Luke!”

Immediately, we embrace and start kissing. Slowly and gently, my hands move down from from your hair to your bare shoulders, while yours are wrapped around me caressing my back. On this perfect sunny July day, we are in our own world, reacquainting with each other. Our tongues continue their passionate dance as I move my hands lower, pulling you tightly to me with one hand as the other glides down and grabs your ass. I pull your dress up and am surprised that you have nothing on but the dress.

Categorized as Erotica