In the closet

My house mate Zoe and I wanted to shock our other housemate Katie. We’d lived together since college, and she had a habit of jumping out on us from random places at random times. It was getting a bit much, and so we had the bright idea of us squashing into her closet to pop out at her. Hopefully we’d scare the shit out of her and she’d learn her fucking lesson. I can’t count the amount of drinks I’ve spilt down myself because of her.

We were lying in wait, on her bed. Chatting, drinking, but staying alert for the sound of her key in the door. She was much later than usual – but eventually we heard it. We spang up, excited, and ran for the closet, squashing ourselves in and shushing each other’s giggles. This space was a lot smaller than we’d thought it was. Embarrassingly, my boobs were pressed right up against Zoe’s. We should have taken a split second to think about our positions, but no matter. We wouldn’t be in here for long.