My fantasy for the 1st time with my gf.

This is how I really imagine our first time…..You take me by the
hand and walk me through the front door. In a almost excited way you
let go and and say “follow me Aash”. I follow behind you timid and
nervous since I have never been with a girl. Especially not not anyone
as breath taking as you and I’m as comfortable with. I say quickly and
quietly, while “Flapping” my hands to stim since I’m a little
overwhelmed, “you look very pretty today”. Then I gulp and I smile
while looking down at the floor. You look back and blush and reply
“that’s a nice thing to say thank you”. “You’re welcome” I watch as
you turn back around and walk. I had never really looked at a girl
walk before (I really haven’t). Like fully watch as they walked, how
your hips moved side to side with each step. The way your butt was
moving was fascinating I was starting to see why guys liked this. It
would move with your hips in sync but with each step a lil bounce
happened. To be honest I thought it was really cute and interesting.
You look back at me and say “Now we are gonna go to my room upstairs
alright”. I look up and avoid your eyes and nod in agreement. “I like
your butt when you walk it’s very cute”. You giggle and thank me. I’m
starting to warm up a little so I finally look up and look all round
outta curiosity( I would probably walk all around your house on my own
and do like a self tour). “I like your house it’s nice and seems
cozy”. “Thanks I’m glad you like it”. We finally get outside the door
to your room. “Aash”. “Yes Amber”. “Look at me for a second”. I look
at your eyes and can’t help but smile “You have amazing eyes they are
sparkling in the light”. You smile and ignore the silly but sincere
compliment. “Now you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to or
that makes feel uncomfortable okay I won’t you to promise me you
understand that”. I look at you thinking wow would anyone else ever
care this much to say that and want me to be comfortable. I wanna hug
herand she is doing everything to make me feel good and ready I can’t
appreciate it enough. I reply in a happy but serious way “Can I hug
you I just wanna show you how much I appreciate all you do and for me
a hug is a big thing so would it be okay to hug you”? Shaking a
little from a joy and nervousness and you’re amazed I said so much as
am I. “Well I guess but you didn’t answer my question”. In a weird way
i open my arms and wrap them around you and rest my head on your
shoulder. “Yes I understand Amber thank you for letting me know”. It
meant a lot because I have trouble telling people when I need help or
am having trouble with something. I let go of you and blush “Thank
you”. “Well lets go in then. I want you to take a seat on the bed and
relax and get comfortable”. We enter your room and it’s beautiful. You
seemed to have cleaned up and moved stuff around just for this. There
is a bed on the left side of the room and a few cabinets which seemed
to be moved to create space. You point to the bed and tell me to sit.
I walk over to the bed scared like crazy. You stand a few feet in fron
of the bed smiling right at me. You’re wearing a nice kinda tight
shirt with “The Purge Anarchy” written on it and some cute red and
black plaid pajama pants. You looked so pretty I couldn’t help but
notice you boobs looked huge and I liked it to be honest. You began to
turn around so I could see all of you. You looked great but I was to
nervous to even say anything and a situation was growing in my jeans.
Since my jeans were a little tight it was beginning to be noticeable. Since my jeans were a little tight it was beginning to be noticeable.
It made me very self concise so I covered it hoping you wouldn’t
notice but you did. You decided to try and help the whole situation
and get me to relax and be comfortable. “So I’m gonna take off my
clothes and if you’re comfortable enough you can come over and explore
my body”. My pants get even more uncomfortable to the point I ask “Can
I take these off it’s very uncomfortable and burns”. You giggle “Yes
if it makes you feel better then take off your clothes”. You were
secretly curious to see and was hoping i would anyway.  “Thank you I
really don’t like clothes it’s a sensory thing”. You assure me it’s
okay then I sit back on the bed. You begin to remove your shirt firt
pulling from the bottom and slowly working your way up till it comes
off. I look a way “Aash it’s okay you can look don’t worry so much
okay it’s fine”. “Are you sure”? You smile and shake your head yes.
“YAY I kinda wanted to watch”. You turn around and begin to untie your
adorable sweat pants and grab the waistline and slowly work your way
down. I can’t take my eyes off you and your butt the whole time. I was
think wow that’s actually really hot. You turn back around and ask “Do
you like so far”? I gulp and reply yes
I can’t help but stare you down even though it might be a lil creepy.
You look stunning in your underwear. You have a cute black silk bra
with red lace on the top. You’re wearing these adorable boxer briefs.
A red waistband and black boxer briefs with a kinda web lace thing in
red. It was cute and sexy. I really liked it and it was becoming a
little obvious. I didn’t even notice I was getting hard I was
mesmerized by you and your body I keep looking at all of you and your
tattoos. But you are noticing it very much. You stood there and
watched as it “Flopped on my thigh a little, without me even touching,
and grow a little harder. You let out a little giggle and proceed to
do a kinda dance and turn around so I get a good look at all of you.
You then turn look me in the eyes and unhook your bra. I watch as the
bra hits the floor and exposes your sweet, beautiful, big boobs. I
keep looking at you niipples and the piercing wondering if that hurts
and would it hurt to fiddle with. Then you bend down and start to
slide your briefs off. I notice your boobs sorta sway when you bend
over and I kinda enjoyed it. You slide them off and start to stand up
straight. I looked in utter shock, amazement, and disbelief. I thought
I must be dreaming. You walk over and sit next to me. “Do you like so
far, what do you think, are you good”. Feeling speechless I manage to
answer  by bursting out in excitement “WOW you’re gorgeous Amber, yes
I like very much thank you should I do that too, and yes I think so
thank you”! You rest your hand on my thigh and my cock instantly jerks
from your hand. “Woah that was interesting”. “Sorry I guess it was
because you touched me”. “Is it okay to touch you though”? “Ummm yes
I’m okay with that”. You stand up and walk back over to where you
wree. “Now you have full permission to explore all of my body I want
you to get comfortable and okay with touching me”. I look and do a
little fangirl jump thing off the bed in excitement. I walk over a
nervousness reach out my hand and then pull back. “I…I’ve never
touched a girl before I’m nervous”. “Aash do you trust me”? “Yes veryhand. “Let me help
you”. You pull my hand closer and placee it on your neck. “Now you
have touch a girl congratulations “. I get really happy but still
nervous. So you do the ultimate thing. You put hand on your cheek and
rub the back of my hand with your thumb in a very caring way. I can’t
help but look in your eyes the whole time the look of compassion in
your eyes made me feel safe and okay. In a bold passionate move lean
in and kiss you on the lips. You blush and I stop. We look each other
in the eyes for a minute. “Amber you’re amazing you know. You make me
very happy”. I take tyour hand, as to show I’m comfortable now, and
place it on my chest. “I wanted you to see how fast you make my heart
race”. “Aww that’s sweet”. In a moment of comfortablity I let myself
go and take each of your hands. “Amber this is big for me” I place a
hand on each of my cheeks and then I say “You can touch my head all
you want”. I begin moving your hand around my head and the let go.
“I’m all yours”. You smile and kiss my cheek. “Now it’s your turn to
explore silly”. I’m so full of joy, currently, and fascination I can’t
keep it in. I place my hand on your neck and then run it down the
front side of your body. Up and down and up and down for a couple
minutes. Them warm of your body feels very nice and is calming. I then
place both hands on your neck and move them all around your shoulders
and armpits a little. Then I move them up to your neck again. I slowly
make my way to your cest feeling and rubbing every inch before I get
to your boobs I look in your eyes and ask “Are you okay so far I want
you to be comfortable too”. You smile and reply “Yes it feels good so
far take all the time you need I’m fine”. I nod and place each hand on
a breast. “They are so soft and squishy. They feel really good. I’m
gonna try squeezing them okay”. I gently start to grasp your breast
and gently tighten my grip as to not hurt you. “Wow this is amazing”!
Suddenly you feel my cock tap your leg while I’m doing this. “I’m
sorry”. “It’s okay it happens”. You reassuranceeach time made me more
comfortable and helped me to know. With one hand I use my index finger
and thumb to touch your nipples. I then began to pinch them and twist
them just a little from side to side. You bit your lip and let out a
soft sound. ” Am i hurting you”? I say worried and afraid. “No no no
it’s okay it just felt really good”. “Hmmm interesting mine don’t do
that as much. Does it hurt your piercing”?  You shake your head no.
With the other hand I touch your nipple piercings. I bein to fiddle
with them . Tugging, moving back and forth, up and dow. “Ever since I
first saw these they have been making me wonder”. I place both hands
on each boob “May I play with them a little”. You laugh “Of course
silly”. I start by cupping them and seeing how they feel in my hand
how heavy they feel. I then gently rub the out line of your breast.
Kinda making a mental image and feeling them to. “I’m glad you are
letting me do this it really really helps”. I then place my hands on
the side of each and squeeze them together. Sometimes completely
together sometimes barely touching each other. Too nervous to ask I
began to lean in and put my face inbetween them just to see how it
feels. I lean back gasping “That felt amazing”!!! “They are so soft
and like little pillows”I say laughing at the pillow thing. I then
proceed to jiggle them in my hands like jello. “This is kinda fun”.
Suddenly you feel the tip of my cock press against your stomach.
“Sorry I’m just really happy”. You blush “Well at least I know I make
you get very excited” in a goofy way. I put my hands in the starting
position on your neck and work my hands slowly down you chest and
below till I reach your chest. I began rubbing and touching in a
swirling motion around your stomach. “You’re so warm are you feeling
okay”? “Yes sorry I’m just happy too Aash”. “It’s alright I just was
worried you were sick”. I then begin to bend down and sit on the floor
while you stand. I place my hands on you waist look up in your
glistening eyes and say “Are you okay with me doing this”. You lean
down put your hand on my cheek and kissed my head.
I look up and smile and kiss your clitoris (Using a different word
them pussy). You let out a giggle of joy. “That was surprising and
kinda sweet”. “Well thank you”! I run my hand up and down you les
front and back kinda a massaging rub ad I go up and down. Your legs
shake in pleasure. I get up on my knees and look at you nervously.
“I’m a little nervous”. You reach your hand down and place it by you
laips. “Now pay close attention and watch how I do it so you know how
I like it”. I get my face close and watch. You place a finger on your
pussy and point “This is my clitoris now watch how I please myself”. I
watch as you take two fingers and place them on your clit and rub it
then rub it in a rotational motion. You let out a pleasure moan and
tilt your head back. I notice you are getting wet from this. “Ahh Aash
mmmmmmmm”. I was in shock you actually said my name. It turned me on
so much my cock was throbbing. You looked back down and saw how muchtick my middle
finger and ring finger in okay I want you to do it just like this”. I
watch as your fingers slip in you like it was nothing. Mmmmm the
sounds is breath taking and s huge turn on. I watch as you go in and
out slowly and quickly with your fingers. You start shaiing rapidly
and soaking your thighs. I can’t help but lick it to taste it and when
I do you explode.It goes all over my face and chest. With a sigh of
relief “That was amazing now do that every time and you will do fine”.
I lick what I can off my face and swallow it. “okay just as long as
you enjoy it”. I continue exploring your body. I go behind you and
playful mess with your butt. I spread your cheeks wide so I can lookat
both holes. I squeeze them together and it feels sooooooo good. Your
butt is so soft and beautiful. I jiggle it in my hands and watch the ask can I l ick and
suck parts of you”? You giggle “Sure” blushing with anticipation. I
lean in and place my tongue on your nipple. I swirls it around the
nipple and tickle it with my tongue. “Do you like that”? “Yes very
much”. I move to the other breast and do the same but this time I
gently pull your nipple with my teeth. You quiver from stimulation. I
laugh “I think you’re enjoying this more then me”. I creep upward to
kiss your lips. “I think I’m ready for you to explore me now”. “Really
Aash? That very nice and sweet of you”. “Well just try being gentle at
1st okay”.  “I promise”. I hug you tight. My hard cock rubbing against
your skin feels amazing but I’m to nervous to tell you.  “No one has
ever touch me before so this will be new to me hopefully exciting too
“. I stand in the spot you were in and turn and face you. My abs hard,
my chest soft, my butt tight from being nervous, and the hardest boner
I have ever had. You start by feeling around my head softly. Then you
get a little rough which is okay. I have to get use to it so. You run
you hands through my ginger hair. You have been dying to touch it andqueeze a little to
feel my muscle. “How are you doing so far Aash”?  “Good I’m working
through it”. “Good you have to get use to me touching you and how it
feels, the sensations, everything. I’ll work with you okay”. “Alright
I’ll try this is a little overwhelming but I’m trying “. “Do you want
me to stop”? “No you’re doing great and it feels good too”. You smile
at me for reassurance and I smile back. You place your hands on my
shoulders and begin slowly moving down my torso. Feeling my chest and
it’s soft muscle. Running your hands all around my abs. My cock begins
pulsing a lot from your touch. It’s so soothing, the touch of you
hands is warm and calming. The look of understanding and compassion in
your eyes makes me feel very safe and comfortable. The smell of you is
intoxicating. You run your hands back up and put you fingers under my
chin so you can look me right in the eyes. “Now I’m gonna go lower
this time are you sure you are ready we can stop if you want”. I think
for a second “Yes Amber I’m ready for it”. You grin and slide down on
your knees. You place your hand on my hips and my cock jerks upwards
as a reaction. Your hands flow down my legs till you reach my feet.
You look up at me then rub your hands up my legs which gives me a
tingly sensation I never felt before. It feels better then anything I
have ever felt before. This time inside of placing your hands on my
hips you go straight to my thighs. You start gently rubbing up thens and scratch a
little too, It feels so good I might cum all over you and your face. I
get overwhelmed and extremely nervous as I watch you tip toe your
fingers to my cock. So there you are on your knees right in front of
me about to touch my cock, balls, and probably butt. So full of joy,
excitement, anticipation, nervousness, and more I get fully hard. You
just sit and stare examing it with your eyes. How thick it is, how
long, how hard it is. “Now this might be too much for you and that’s
okay I promise just let me know if it gets too much okay”. I bite my
lip speechless and nod yes. You slowly creep you hands towards my cock
as if not to overwhelm me
or cause me to cum early which I appreciate a lot. “Now just try
relaxing okay I’ll help you feel good and make this pleasurable”.
“Okay give me a minute to mentally prepare”. Okay take your time Aash out a deep exhale
through my nose lean down kiss your forehead. “I’m ready now”. You
begin to run your hands through my bright red pubes and massage the
area. My balls begin to tighten up and become really tight around my
balls. You then move a single finger along the top part of my covk and
it throbs with every second of motion. You progress to wrapping a hand
around my shaft. “You doing alright Aash”? With a deep exhale from
holding in from tension I reply ” I’m doing good so far”. “Alright
well I’m gonna start moving my hand up and down okay”? “Like stroking
it”? “Yes exactly”! “I guess so I just am working through it for you
and for me”. You start to work your hand up and down slowly getting
progressivly fastrr with time. You feel the veins in my cock bulging
making it even more sensitive and all the more pleasurable. “I’m
worried I might cum”.  “It’s okay if you do. How bout I do this”. You
release your firm grip and start to fiddle with my balls. “WOW that
feels sooooooo good”!!!! You giggle and keep doing it. “Mmmmm okay
Aash I think I’ve finished exploring you….For now”. You take me by
the hand and ask me to lay back on the bed. I let go of your hand and
lat in the center of the bed. “Your bed is really soft”. “I know right
thanks”. You climb up on the bed and sit next to me. “So are you
comfortable enough to have sex now”?  “Well thanks to you yes you made
me vety comfortable”. “That’s good to know and sweet of you to say.
Okay I’ll go nice and slow to start. Are you ready”? “Yes I’m ready”.
“So how are we gonna do this”? “Well I kinda figured doggy style would
be easy to start so”. Okay doggy it is Aash”. You get into position
and bend your butt upwards as to present your holes in a cute way. Ir
hips preparing
admiring your sexy butt. “Alright I’m ready”. You grin and I grab my
cock and put the tip in slowly. You’re so wet it went in easy. I begin
to slide it in deeper and deeper till it is all the way in. You let
out a moan “mmmmm” I start thrusting back and forth. My abs so hard
flexing and moving in sync with each motion of my hips to thrust
mystart to sweat a
little too. “Are you enjoying it so far Aash”? In A shout of
excitement  “YES it feels so good!So warm, tight around my cock,snd
the wettness. It feels amazing”! The deeper I go the more it rubs my
sensitive spots which give me so much pleasure”. My cock is throbbing
so much inside you.  “This is the best thing everrrrrrr”! You giggle
glad I’m enjoying. With each thrust you body jolts forward from the
force of each thrust of my hips. “Are you enjoying Amber”? “Very
much”. “YAY I think I’m gonna cummmmmmmmmm”. With in seconds of saying
that I filled your pussy with my cum. “You finally did it Aash I’m
proud of you”. “Aww thanks you’re so sweet”. I slap your butt and lay
down exhausted from all it. “WOW that was amazing I enjoyed every
second Amber”. You lay down partially on my and kiss me. I get into it
and kiss you for a few minutes. “I wanna lay here with you and just
relax and maybe cuddle”. “I’ll cuddle with you”.  “You’re my cuddle
bear now”. We lay there your head resting on my chest and fall asleep