A Wolf’s Rage Chapter 07 – The First Full Moon.


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


On the day of the full moon, Matt was scared out of his mind. Throughout the day his mother tried to support him and give him courage, but it was all in vain as he was scared out of his wits. The prospect of changing into an anthropomorphic wolf monster made him terrified.

That evening, they had a very early dinner. During dinner, Matt and his mother planned to tell Thomas about their plans to spend the night outside of the home.

A Species’ Survival Chapter 06


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are eighteen years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


As soon as Anthony and Michelle exited the lift, Marge went over and hugged her brother.

“Oh, my God! Anthony! Are you ok? I was so scared.”

“Marge, I’m ok. It’s just a lift malfunction. It’s nothing.”

The three friends said their goodbyes to Michelle and got into their car. While they were driving home, Marge expressed her concerns about living in the building.

A Strange Compulsion Chapter 06


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


After Jason and Susan left, Vivian came out of the closet. Jason came back into his room after sending Susan home. Vivian rushed to him and kissed him passionately.

“So, I take it that you liked it?”

“Liked it? LIKED IT? I loved it! Oh, you fucked her so good. I don’t know why, but I love to see you fucking other women. Maybe someday, we can fuck her together.”

A Wolf’s Rage Chapter 06


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


Matt had just convinced Kaitlyn to be with him during the full moon. He came home and informed his mother about that. The rest of the day was very normal as he had dinner with his mother and his father and went to bed.

In the middle of the night, he had a weird feeling. It felt like someone was licking his balls. Matt woke up and looked down, it was his mother.

A Species’ Survival Chapter 05


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are eighteen years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


A couple of days later, Anthony and Marge were getting ready to go pick Nina up from the airport. Her plane was coming in at eight-forty a.m. They had breakfast with their parents and then went to the airport.

Nina flashed a big smile at them as soon as she saw them. She hugged Marge and Anthony. Then, they helped Nina with her luggage and they made their way home.

A Strange Compulsion Chapter 05


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


Jason and Sandra came back home from their adventure at Grace’s. It was already late and they guessed Vivian would have come home from school.

“What should we tell Vivian, Mom?”

“We’ll just tell her we went to the doctors’. Since you said you weren’t feeling well in the morning, we’ll be able to pull it off.”

Mother and son entered their home and they found Vivian in the living room. She was sitting on the couch and watching TV.

A Wolf’s Rage Chapter 05


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


When Matt came home only his mother was home. He went over and hugged her and her intoxicating scent aroused him.

“Mom, she said yes, Mom. Dani said yes. She said that she’ll help me during the full moon.”

“That’s great news, Matt.”

“There was one problem though.”

“What was it?”

“I kind of converted her sister into a “mate”.”


“Mom, don’t shout.”

“Sorry, but what?”

A Wolf’s Rage Chapter 04


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


When Dani reached home after meeting Matt in the ice cream store, she was confused and sad. She had broken up with Chase for Matt. More importantly, she really liked Matt and she thought they would be good together.

And then he rejected her. Not only did he reject her, he fed her a story about how he was a werewolf and it was his pheromones that seduced her. The whole charade was an insult to her intelligence.

A Species’ Survival Chapter 03


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are eighteen years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


Anthony, Marge and Liz caught the flight back home after the trip was over. The last week had taken a lot out of them emotionally and all they wanted was to get home. Anthony sat with Liz and Marge sat alone.

None of them had expected that James was capable of displaying the amount of despicable behavior that he had. They had confronted him the next day, he was very rude to them, which was very shocking because they had been friends since they were kids. Nina kicked him out of the resort, so James caught an early flight out of Florida and didn’t stay for the seven days.

A Strange Compulsion Chapter 03


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.

Previous Chapters of this Story are available on this subreddit. You can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by scrolling through the past posts of this Subreddit.

Or you can access the Previous Chapters of this Story by visiting my Profile Page where I’ve arranged the Previous Chapters of this Story in an Easy to Access Format.


Jason walked into his home. His mother, Sandy, was in the kitchen reading something. She saw him come into the kitchen, “Hey, Jason. How did your date go?”

“Oh, it went very well. We’re going out again next week.”

“That’s great! Have you already had dinner or shall I make you something?”

“We didn’t eat anything outside. Do you have any dinner left over?”

“Yeah. We had chicken. Let me just reheat it for you.”