Bath Time Snap Gone Wrong [ffm incest oral fdom cc]

Sarah hops off the bus after her best friend Abby, both happy high school is over for the week. They were only a few steps from the bus when Sarah’s phone vibrates in her hand

*Mom: I have to work late tonight, sweetie. Make sure you and your brother eat.*

She shows her phone to Abby. “Want to come over?” she laughs, imagining the unsupervised fun they could have with her mom working late and her dad traveling for work.

“Uhh, yes!” Abby replies excitedly. They walk in smiling silence for a few moments. ”You know what I could go for?” she asks, as Sarah takes a selfie.

“What’s that, slut?” Sarah giggles as they turned up the driveway.

“A bubble bath!” Abby replies in her typically excited tone.

“Oh, that sounds fun,” Sarah answers unlocking the front door. “I haven’t taken a bath in forever.”

They raid the kitchen for snacks and head up to Sarah’s room. Sarah goes into her parent’s bathroom to start the bath while Abby searched for bubbles. A few minutes later, they are dancing naked in the mirror as the bath fills with bubbles.

Aunt Mary’s Weekend Surprise [mF incest oral cc]

*I was looking forward to spending the weekend with my 7 year old nephew Jason while my sister and her husband took a much needed trip for themselves. I didn’t get to spend nearly enough time with him, but wasn’t expecting us to have quite as much fun as we did…*

“Hi, Jason!” I say waving goodbye to my sister as she pulls out of the driveway. “Ready to have a fun weekend with Aunt Mary?”

“Uh huh!” Jason replies excitedly, running past me into the house. “I can’t wait to go swimming in your pool!”

I close the door behind me. ‘Now where did he run off to already.’ “Jason! Are you already getting ready to go in the pool?”

“Yeah! I can go swimming. Right, Aunt Mary?” he calls out from the bathroom.

“Of course, Jason. I’ll put sunscreen on you when I meet you out there.”

“Okay!” he answers.

Jason heads outside on his own, his bright yellow swimsuit fairly loose around the waist.