“Can I call him Daddy?” [DILF, StepFantasy.. etc]

Sarah sighed, her arms firmly crossed as she stared out the car window. The faint rumbling of tires can be heard.

“I just want you to meet him.” says her mother from the front seat. Sarah just couldn’t understand, so soon after her father broke her mothers heart, she finds it so quick to settle down with another guy?

Sarah wouldn’t, couldn’t understand, especially after going through her own heartbreak weeks before with her now ex-boyfriend. She kicks at the glove box. “I just don’t get it!” She shouts.”What can be so special about some guy you just met!?” “We’ve known each other for a month now,” her mother responds in a cool tone. “He helped us get back on our feet money-wise, and besides, he’s a great guy.”

“I don’t care if he’s Neil Armstrong he’s no replacement for Dad!” Sarah shouts, burying her face in her palms shortly after. Even after blowing his and her mothers hard earned cash on hookers and prostitutes, even digging into Sarah’s grey old piggy bank, she still couldn’t let go of her dad. The separation was devastating. “I won’t say anything to him, not a hi or a hello from me!” She shouts