A Very Special Christmas (mf)

The day’s festivities had finally died down, and evening was turning into night. The commotion of the day had waned as various family members left or went to bed. Daniel was in between sleep and consciousness on the couch. He didn’t realize his cousin Alexis was the only one still awake, in the oversized chair in the corner of the room.

The TV had been turned off by the last person to leave the room. The room lights were off. Light came from the luminous Christmas tree – green, with lights all the colors of the rainbow, red tinsel and ornaments galore. A golden star sat at the top. The fireplace was burning merrily. Various Christmas tunes could still be heard cycling through a playlist that hadn’t been turned off.

Alexis was feeling incredibly hot. She threw off the blanket that someone had laid over her, and was still pleasently warm. Suddenly, warmth spread up her spine as she recognized how horny she was. The atmosphere, the fireplace, and the cute slutty Mrs. Claus outfit she was in helped her mood. A short red dress that did nothing to hide her cleavage or curves, trimmed with white fur, a fake black belt around her stomach, and a santa hat to top it off. Her uncomfortable, tiny black shoes had been abandoned at the foot of the chair.

Categorized as Erotica

Janet – The Good Place

*This is a story based on the character Janet from the show The Good Place. If you don’t know the character, all you need to know is she is not human, she is more like a celestial being that carries out the other characters every desire happily, because her purpose is to keep people happy. Her obedience and willingness to please are traits that made her a desirable character for me to write erotica for. I hope you enjoy.*

“Janet?” I ask.

Janet appears. “Hi. How can I help you?”

“Janet, will you really do anything any of us want? Anything?”

“Yes. My purpose is to keep people happy.”

“And our interactions are confidential?”

“Completely. What can I help you with?

“…Janet, I want you to be my filthy little slut. Whenever I want to, I want you to have enthusiastic, hot sex with me. You’ll do whatever I want, when I want, and you’ll love every second of it. Okay?”

“Sounds good. Do you have a timetable for me, or are you going to make it up as you go along?”

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[18+] Raven and Starfire (DC Comics)

(Both characters in this fanfiction are adults.)

Starfire walked into the common room after waking up. It was twilight, which meant she’d either slept for a couple hours or over a dozen. She noticed Raven on the couch, and realized how quiet it was all at once.

“Where is everyone?” she asked.

“I didn’t ask. They seemed excited, and I got the vibe that it was a very ‘boys only’ activity. I think we’ll be alone for the night. How’d you sleep?” Raven asked.

“Good… I think? I feel like I’m… suspended in time or something. Inside one of those in between moments.”

Raven looked at Starfire for a moment and was very still. Her eyes were wide, but her expression was blank, like she was deciding something. Then she moved.

Raven rose from the couch slowly, still looking at Starfire. “Maybe we are,” she said. “I’ve had the same feeling.” Then she began walking towards her, with a pause in each step, like a big cat on the prowl, daring anyone to challenge it.

“You’re a good fighter, Tamaranian,” said Raven. “But you don’t act like a Princess.” She said it like a question.

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[18+] Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood

[Both characters in this fanfiction are adults.]

Harry had just about gotten Grimauld Place sorted a few months after The Battle of Hogwarts. One afternoon he heard a knock at his door.

Surprise quickly turned to warmth on his face when he saw who it was. “Hi!” he said with a smile.

Luna returned it. “Hi Harry. I was wondering what to do with my afternoon when I thought I’d visit you and see how you were getting along.”

“I’m doing good, come in!” He stood to the side. “How’re you?”

“I’m doing good. It feels good to feel relief after so long.”

“Tell me about it.”

Luna hesitated. “…I also wanted to say… Ginny told me what happened. I’m sorry.”

“That’s life, I guess. Thanks. Can I get you a drink?”

“Do you have tea?”

“Sure.” She followed him to the kitchen.

As they entered, Luna said: “Harry.”

Something in her voice made him turn. She was wearing a cozy dark green sweater that hugged her torso. He couldn’t help but notice her wonderful breasts struggling against it, but he managed not to look openly.

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A Romantic Beginning

“It’s really cool of you to invite me over,” I say, as we turn onto your street. We met at a bookstore, from where you invited me out for coffee after, and finally here.

“You’re really cool”, she said with a smile and a flirtatious dance in her voice. “And I want to see if you can back up your talk.”

She hauled the old “Rock em Sock em Robots” game out from the closet in her hall after we hung up our coats.

“I can’t believe you still have one of these,” I said with genuine admiration. “You’re going down.”

“All right, tough guy! Let’s go!” She sat down right in the hall and took it out of the box. We were soon gasping for breath, doubled over with laughter, fingers pointing and tears streaming from our eyes. We were laughing so hard, soon we were leaning on each other for support, and all at once our balance tipped and we sprawled onto the hardwood next to each other. Immediately after us both hitting the ground, we were overcome by another wave of breathtaking laughter at our ridiculousness. We laid on the floor, eyes scrunched, hands over our mouths, faces red, trying to surpress the giggles.

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[mf] Masturbating in a Hot Car

For me, there’s nothing like already being horny and going from a cool house to a hot car. I pull my pants down, and let the heat wrap around my cock. Before I touch myself, I like to close my eyes and imagine all my wildest fantasies. There, I’ll be as hard and turned on as I’ve ever been in my life. When I can’t take it anymore, I’ll start touching myself slowly. It won’t take much to get me off like that, so I like to take my time and enjoy it. Whimpers and moans will bubble out of my throat of their own accord as I tease myself. Precum leaks out of me and rolls down my shaft. My balls pull into my body, and gently tugging on them feels amazing. As I nudge myself toward orgasm, eventually I pass the point of no return. I am going to cum, or I’m going to ruin myself. That’s when I start furiously jacking off, the waves of pleasure higher and more forceful depending on how fast and hard I pump. Pure bliss rolls through me as my back arches, I shudder, and my legs kick out. My nails dig into my own shoulder, the pain it’s own kind of pleasure at the height of orgasm. My head goes back, my jaw drops, my eyes roll, and I let my vocal chords express what my body can’t. Usually I take care not to make a mess, but this situation is special for how good it makes me feel, and I like to make the exception- getting completely naked beforehand, emmersing myself completely in the moment, and cumming everywhere. On myself, the seat, the wheel, the dashboard, the windshield… The heat makes me shoot more and farther than I normally would. Finally shuddering to a stop as the energy flows out of me, as I am left taking slow, deep breaths, my head swimming. A cool shower is a great reward after cleaning up, and I’m left with a physical buzz for the rest of the day.

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