Poker night gangbang

TW: contains rape, noncon, humliation etc


Down in the basement, the commotion couldn’t be heard until Amy opened the door. The play arguing stopped at her arrival, the noise dying down for just a moment. Then she was greeted by the raucous men saluting her by holding up their beer cans. Some, more intoxicated than others had the foamy liquid slosh into their laps and onto the table on which a game of poker was being played. Her father sat on the opposite side of the table to the other five men in the dealer’s chair. He spun around to face her, turning his back on the others. Out of his eye line, some of them – namely Dan and Josh blew kisses and winked at her. She simply rolled her eyes, their brazen attitudes no doubt a result of the alcohol. She’d always had an incline that those two, in particular, had a thing for her. Usually, they were much more reserved when her father was around.