
About 6 months ago I started dating a much younger girl. I’m [M48] very dominant and Kate [F23] very demure and submissive. We have had a great sex life that includes a lot of light bondage and domestic submission. So we have collected a few pieces of restraint gear and some toys.

I particularly love when she wears an apron and nothing else and cooks for me then stands next to me smiling while I eat, or climbs under the table and sucks my cock while I eat the meal she’s prepared. Her mother taught her well that, the way to a man’s heart is to keep his belly full and his balls empty.

We bought a maid costume and she’ll flit around me when I work from home, dusting and hoovering the carpet. Sometimes she’ll wear a pair of short shorts, but mostly she knows I like summer dresses, stockings nice lingerie and all manner of treats. Anyway she’s the apple of my eye and I’m very protective.

Co-working flirting and heavy petting [MF]

I’ve been working out of a co-working space for the last year. There are things I hate and things I like. I don’t like the lack of privacy. I don’t like people interrupting my work for a social chat. I don’t like doing business out in the open. I am also quite divisive with people, I tend to quickly make new friends and new enemies.

There’s also some good things like coffee chats and having a social wine on a Friday, flexability in work, loads of cute young women to flirt with, cheap rent, no admin, but in particular Margaret the Venezuelan office manager. She’s the reason I paid for a more expensive location.

When I did the office inspection she was overly flirty and touchy, and since then the smolder has heated up and we often joke about sex, bondage, and spanking. We can’t keep our hands of each other. She’ll often wear a suit or summer dress and deliberately show down her top at her big tits, or open her legs for a peek of underwear or her fit brown legs, I like her long brown neck and nape the most. Which she knows drives me nuts.

Probably shouldn’t tell anyone (M48) +(F20) (F25)

Like most men I hate shopping. I have this technique at Christmas of waking into a boutique and telling the girls ‘here’s a thousand dollars, I have three sisters, 49 years old, size 10, a little bit slutty. The second is 45 also size ten, a little bit disco, and a little sister 39 a size 8 very corporate. Bring me gifts’. It makes the process super quick, the girls in the shop always love it and run around giggling, and my sisters always think I have super good taste.

The truth is my style is terrible, and I have no interest in learning. I would just lob around in suits or Tshirts and jeans. So I usually let the shop keeper do the style work for me. Most people in retail actually have a brain and are good at what they do, so I let them do it.

I don’t work Friday so give myself a three day weekend every week. It means I can go to a store when there’s no crowds. So I went yesterday to buy my wife a present and I went into a nice clothing store in Sydney CBD. I won’t say which one, out of privacy.

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Living in Sydney is nice, except in the summer it can be torturous hot. Many of the older homes are built in a European style, which is great in the winter for retaining heat, but torture during the summer. It’s pretty common to sleep with windows and doors open, or outside in a hammock.

Anyway a new family moved into the townhouse opposite me. A nice family with two adult daughters. The Chows were a nice family and they would occasionally bring me some Taiwanese dishes when they saw my wife was away. Their townhouse was uphill from mine, only meters away so they had a view into my bedroom from their loungeroom, which wasn’t any problem, they always kept their curtains shut.

Having Christmas in summer means a normal Aussie meal of cold hams, cold prawns, cold salads, and cold beer. This year the summer has dragged out and the first two weeks of spring were hitting forty plus, or over an hundred in the old scale. An uncomfortable lead up to Easter to say the least. I say all this for context.

working late

‘That fucking client’ I start, you look up at me, I’ve loosened my tie, which is not something I often do, you can’t remember not seeing me in a suit, white shirt with button down collars, Windsor knot tie and a tailored suit. ‘She expects delivery of the program by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, which is fucking impossible, and she knows it, she is just pissed because I won’t fuck her old ass’. I kick a chair, it hits a partition and rattles to the floor. The client is super important but there’s a middle manager holding our account. 

You haven’t ever seen any emotion from me, let alone kicking a chair nearly through the roof, this is obviously under my skin and you understand the account makes a good amount of money. 

You are a little perplexed at me ranting and pacing around the office, I’m clearly stressed out, and need to focus to get the job done. But I’m locked in a cycle of rage and frustration. It won’t do at all, you think.  We need to focus and get the work done, despite it being nearly six in the afternoon. 

the guy on tinder

We meet at a local shipping centre, and all seems to go well over coffee, nothing to write home about but not a disaster either. You’ve certainly been on worse tinder dates. We head up the escalator to the movie theatre and my hand touches the lower of your back, briefly over your ass and settles in your hand. It’s a nice gesture and you give a little squeeze as our fingers lock.

In the dark room the advertisement is running and you start to lead and take a seat in the middle of the theatre, and I walk up the stairs and pull you along after, sitting in the back row. There’s another couple sitting bored in the row a little way down from us.

As we sit, I flip the hand rest up between us and you lean in for a cuddle. I smell like man. You feel safe.
The movie starts, some romantic rubbish and after 5 minutes you see I’m bored with the movie, so you pull your dress up a little and show off your knee. I firmly grab it and hold it. You see I’m getting restless as a bulge in my jeans starts to appear. My hand slides up your inner thigh.

Categorized as Erotica