His and Her POV car sex (true story)

**HER (** /u/isorandomguy**) VERSION**

He parked his car on the highest level of the parking garage, one space away from the wall. I knew the space next to the wall was for me. This spot would give us the most privacy.

He got in the front seat, and we hugged. He accused me of giving a weak hug, so I took my seat belt off and quickly climbed across the center console and onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed. We kissed. We kissed a lot. It had been too long since our last meet up.

I try to always wear a loose skirt for our car dates, and he was about to demonstrate one reason why. He slowly moved his hand up my bare leg, on the outside of my thigh, moving to the inside halfway up, steadily moving toward the prize at the top. I never wear panties when I’m in the car with him.

He always checks to see how wet I am. I’m always very wet. He uses my wetness to lubricate his finger and starts to slide it back and forth across my clit. His hands are cool, and I love how that feels against my heat. He asks me how it feels. It feels amazing. I tell him that.

His/Her point of view (true story)

Here is a story written by both participants in the encounter. This is a true story and happened a few weeks ago. Enjoy!

**His Version:**

This story starts with my secret lover messaging me with a simple number. This number of course means she has checked into the hotel and this is the room number. I have been waiting for this and immediately hop into the car and head off. It took me forever to get there, I felt like I hit every single traffic light on the way. I eventually arrive at the hotel, park the car, skip into the hotel, and head up the elevator to her floor.

I find the room and knock. The door doesn’t immediately open, but I hear somebody come to the door. I am guessing she is eyeing me through the peep hole to make sure it is me. After what feels like an eternity, the door opens to an empty room. I enter and the door closes behind me as she steps out from behind the door. She is wearing a very sexy black and red lace bra and black lace panties. I immediately get hard, which is a shame as she really enjoys sucking me flaccid to hard.

Categorized as Erotica