The Wedding Proposal

This post is a fantasy that contains: insertion, embarrassment, stealth orgasm. Everyone depicted is over 18 years old.

A man in his jeans and t-shirt got down on one knee at the restaurant. As he looked into his date’s eyes, he said to her, “Buffy Vageena, will you marry me?”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, clear plastic container. Inside it was an engagement ring with the smallest diamond she had ever seen. The container was like one of those small plastic bubbles that kids pay 25 cents for to get a random toy on the way out of a grocery store. Not that she expected much of a ring, or even a ring at all. They had only known each other for a week. She knew that he didn’t have much money; he was in his second year of college and she was ten years older than him. Her family has had money since, quite possibly, the invention of money itself. But since meeting Phillip Wern, she had never been happier and his bank account balance didn’t matter.