First Taste of Freedom [Age Gap, Public Play, Exhibitionism]

(Just found this one in my old work folder. Don’t think I ever posted it. Feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy.)

“Holy shit, Anne, that bikini looks…”

“Hot, right?”

“I was going to say slutty, but you do you, girl.”

Anne, Betty and Chloe had a good laugh over the comment. They were close. So close as to be sisters in all but blood. Friends to the end. They’d grown together. Studied together. Graduated together. Now, in their first summer before college, they traveled together. It was their first vacation as adults. They were free of parents and legal guardians. Free to go where they wanted. Do what they wanted. Dress how they wanted.

For the short haired blonde that freedom meant getting to wear a yellow and black thong cut bikini. It was the sort of swimsuit that drew the eye down in the back and up in the front. Anne had already twice adjusted the rather risque top. It came dangerously close to showing a hint of nipple every time she shifted. Such was the price the eighteen year old had to pay for the abundance of cleavage her garment put on display.

An Elevating Encounter [18F/40M]

[Just looking for feedback.]

The heat.

The sweltering summer heat.

It built and built and refused to go away. Days went by, weeks even, and the city hadn’t had more than a light breeze or wispy cloud to help fend off the scorching sun. Those who lived with air conditioning could find comfort in that uncomfortable heat. Betty Bell wasn’t one of them.

Hers was an apartment on the third floor of an old building not ten minutes from her college. One bedroom. One bathroom. One open space with a kitchenette to the side. Small. But also hers. It was the first place the eighteen year old could truly call her own. It was freedom. Not the freedom to move that comes with one’s first car, but the freedom to live that comes with one’s first place. The apartment had everything the young woman wanted. Everything but an AC unit.

She would do anything to cool down. Anything to mitigate the stuffy heat of her tiny apartment. If that meant laying naked on the floor with a soaking wet towel over her busty chest, then lay and soak is what she’d do.