A Moment Taken – PT. 1 (M35/F35)

The heat of summer was rolling across the yard and everyone was in full swing for the festivities of the family function. Our families were blended together for the Fourth of July and everything was going well. Cold beers were a plenty and the bbq was almost done. I was talking with my cousin but had trouble staying focused as just past him was my wife.

The light yellow sundress fit her tight figure well. Our kids were playing around near her and she was spraying them with the hose as her brother was setting up their water toy in the far end of the yard.

Her brunette hair was straightened out and she wore these old yet durable tan colored sandals. She laughed and chased after them while I watched and smiled at the happiness. She had a dancers figure even after we had three children. She had been working hard to maintain that limber and loose figure as it had been her passion since I had met her over ten years ago.

A Conventional Meeting – Pt. One – (M24/F23)

>A note from the Author: This is meant to be an intro piece to build tension and relevance. Consider following/subbing to me so you’ll stay up to date on my releases as they come out! Feedback welcome!<

2016 was, in retrospect, a great year. I had just graduated college, had my own place, was single, and had a decent job. The best part though? Living across the street from the Marriott hotel. I won’t say where exactly but I will say New England in early September. That means cooler winds are starting to blow in, schools are back in session, and conventions are starting to ramp down.

They were few and far between around here and if you wanted to go to a decent one, you had to travel over two hours to get there. However there was always this one, a comic convention but really it’s an invitation to all things nerdy, comic, and pop related. I didn’t mind it though. I was, myself, a nerd though I never had the chance or courage to get into any type of costume. Though I did admire and appreciate the work that went into some of these pieces.

Categorized as Erotica

The Light On The Edge Of Gold. -Part Two- (M/F)

The night held the summer heat close as a soft wind pressed against the screen of the window I had cracked open. Outside, the comforting chirp of crickets echoed against the walls of the office. In my arms was this beautiful, confident, and strong woman that, admittedly, I had no right to be near, at least not in this capacity.

A damp and carnal heat was grinding on me and with each teasing pass, my erection grew stiffer and stiffer. Her legs straddled my crotch just enough that she could tease and play with the buckle of my belt. The clink of stressed metal added to the ambiance and as she released the button of the jeans, my body tensed with heat and urgency.

I looked at her face as she shifted to let me slide the pants down. The kick of my feet saw the stifling fabric shoot away from us. I looked up to Sam, her face glowed against the light hue of moonlight that kissed her hair and face. Pressing myself up from the floor I kissed her. The cracks of our lips moistened as our tongues swept and embraced one another.

Categorized as Erotica

The Light On The Edge Of Gold. -Part One- (M/F First Time Posting, Hope it’s good!)

The glow of the late evening sunlight reflected and crawled on the walls as her car pulled into the parking space outside. My body, already giddy with excitement, started to shake and I felt the sweat of my nerves on the back of my head.


The car door of her company SUV slammed and her footsteps grew louder as she approached the door. The familiar screech of the competing metal door and frame cried out in the small space of my office and staging room. The summer light of the day’s end sunlight poured into the dark space and hall that lead to the front lobby of the building.

I glanced over at her and admired every fabric and thread that was snug against her figure. The monogrammed company vest she always wore held tight at her chest, the long sleeves of her undershirt were rolled up to just before the elbows. Her blue jeans were abused from the concrete rubbing against her as she worked outside.

“Ugh” she sighed.

She fell into the chair on the other side of my desk and shut her eyes for a minute as she breathed deep and slow. I could tell she was frustrated and tired but even more so, she was hungry.