Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 12 “Shower” [27] [FF] [romance] [lesbian]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 11 “Fuck up”](

“I’ve been wanting to take a shower in here,” Alice says as we walk into my bathroom. “It always looks nice, with the double shower heads.”

“When have you been back here?”

Alice shrugs. “About once or twice a week.”


She looks at me like I’m terminally slow. “To clean it.”

“Oh. I didn’t realize you were cleaning my bathroom.”

“How did you think it stayed so clean?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just thought I was…clean.”

She belly laughs and turns on the water. “No.”

The water is warm, and in just a few minutes the air is billowing with steam. I’m surprised at how handsy Alice is with me. She’s grabbing and squeezing and rubbing me everywhere, covering me with bodywash. It almost feels like I’m trapped with some tentacled monster wrapping itself around me—but in a good way. I surrender to her, and she presses on my back until I’m bent over, leaning against the wall.

Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 11 “Fuck up” [27] [FF] [romance] [lesbian]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 10 “Fingers”](

I wake to see Alice in my bed, staring at me. She smiles.

“Good morning,” I groan. “How long have you been awake?”

“I think you mean *good afternoon.* I haven’t been awake long.” She kisses me, and her kiss makes real what happened last night. It hadn’t been a dream.

“Wait, what time is it?” I check my phone, and it’s almost half-past noon. I laugh. “I haven’t slept in this late since I was a teenager.” I yawn and stretch and then roll over into Alice’s embrace. I snuggle up to her, and we kiss lazily. It feels so perfect to lie here naked with her.

Alice’s stomach growls, and I smile at her. “Hungry?”

Her fingers slip down to my pussy, and her lips move into a wicked grin. “I could eat.”

“Ok! You’ve got to teach me how you did that last night. No one has ever gone down on me like that. Like, *ever.*”

She laughs. “You want me to teach you how to eat pussy?”

“Yeah, I wanted to eat you out last night so bad. I wanted to reciprocate, but I got intimidated.”

Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 10 “Fingers” [27] [FF] [romance] [lesbian] [ass play] [domme] [sub]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 9 “Tongue”](

As I suck on her breast and feel the lingering throbbing of my own pussy, I realize I have no idea what to do with Alice now that I’ve caught her. I just promised to fuck her, but the only times I’ve brought a partner to climax were when a man was was inside me and I was in a considerably more passive role. I don’t know how to coax this out of Alice, but I want her to feel what I felt.

I’m far too intimidated to go for oral, especially after the virtuoso performance she just gave.

“*Just touch me, Sara,*” she whispers. I guess she could sense my hesitation. “*I just want to feel you touch me.*”

I inch my fingers down her stomach, through her bush, until I find her warm, flowering pussy waiting for me.

She’s positively drenched.

Alice groans as I slide my fingers up and down. With her on top of me like this, it’s easy to find her clit, and I slowly circle it with my middle finger.

“*That’s good, Sara*.”

Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 9 “Tongue” [27] [FF] [romance] [lesbian]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 8 “Mine”](

I assume that now she’ll start seriously eating my pussy, but to my unbearable frustration, she starts again at my taint and moves painfully slowly up my vulva. It feels like it takes her a fully fifteen seconds to move from bottom to top, and each time she does my limbs tremble. I thrust gently to move her further up, but she holds me down.

“Don’t be impatient, Alice. I’m not in a rush to make you cum. I’ve thought about this for seven years, and I want us to take our time.”

This is almost a form of torture. It feels amazing, and every lick ends with an exhilarating jolt, but I want so much more. I try to relax, and with one hand I run my fingers through her gorgeous, black hair. I run my foot on her bare back and push at the waist of her boxers with my toes.

“These need to come off. I want to see your ass while you eat me out.”

She sucks hard on my clit, and I cry out. My abs tighten, and I involuntarily thrust into her mouth.

Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 8 “Mine” [27] [FF] [romance] [lesbian]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 7 “Envelopes”](

Alice’s breath is like steam across my face as we kiss and hold one another. There’s a wild desperation in me, and I kiss her as if passion alone can recover lost years. I draw her in, and we pull one another back across time until all those lonely nights and all those days filled with regret collapse into insignificance. None of it matters now that I have her in my arms.

She pulls me onto her lap, and her tongue slides up and down my neck. I touch her leg, from her calf to her thigh. Her skin is soft and smooth, and I can feel in her quadriceps her strength and power. She sucks on my neck, and I moan softly. Her hands are under my shirt, exploring my back and stomach.

I turn my legs so that I’m straddling her, which, given our difference in height, perfectly aligns our mouths. I cup her face in my hands and suck on her lip, tugging on it with my teeth. I pull off my shirt and throw it on the ground, and I watch her look me over.

Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 7 “Envelopes” [27] [FF] [lesbian] [romance]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 6 “Emergency”](

Alice is sitting on her bed with her long legs crossed at the ankles. She closes her laptop and pats the bed next to her. “Have a seat.”

She’s wearing pink boxers and a faded Rolling Stones t-shirt.

I bite my lip and take a seat next to her. The overhead light is off, and the room is lit by her bedside lamp and candles.

“I’m sure you got my notes,” she says. Her eyes are kind but intense, and as much as I wish they set me at ease, they almost terrify me. I look away, down at her bare legs. “I wanted to say in person that I’m sorry. I *was* trying to tease you, but not about—”

“No, I’m sorry, Alice. I *so* overreacted.” I don’t know why her broaching the subject terrifies me so much, but it does. I want to have this talk, I really do. I’m just not brave enough. “I probably did have too much to drink last night, and there’s a lot going on at work.”

Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 6 “Emergency” [27] [FF] [romance] [lesbian]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 5 “Regrets”](

I wake up groggy and tired. I check my phone and see I forgot to charge it. I have almost no time to get ready for the day. Alice has laid out my clothes for me, and I wonder when she came into my room to do it. She’s also packed my gym bag, and I decide to just workout at the office gym and shower during my lunch break. I throw on the emerald sheath dress, the nude pantyhose, and the cream blazer she’s picked out. I check my gym bag and see she’s packed a pair of pumps for me to change into on the subway. My hair goes up in a ponytail, and I slap on my makeup.

As I head to the door, Alice walks in. Her hair is up, and she’s wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and violet yoga shorts. Judging by her face, she’s as surprised to bump into me as I am. There’s a fine sheen of sweat on her forehead, and I assume she’s getting back from a run.

“Oh, hey,” she says, taking the AirPods out. “Good morning.”

“Hey,” I mumble. “About last night—”

Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 5 “Regrets” [27FF] [masturbation] [romance]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 4 “Elixir”](

I stare at the ceiling and consider what an idiot I am.

Tears are running down my face as I think about how I should have made love to her that night, how I should have gone to see her in Italy, how I shouldn’t be pouting in my bedroom right now. I’ve spent years telling myself that I’m not really in love with her, that she’s just a dear friend, that I just haven’t found the right guy. But it’s all bullshit.

I had found the right guy.

Elijah and I dated the entire year Alice was in Italy, up until he graduated. We were great together. He was thoughtful and kind and handsome. My mom told me I should marry him. He probably thought the same thing, but after graduation he left to get his master’s in Boston. I really did love him, and he and I are still friends. And maybe if I’d never met Alice, I would be practicing law in Ohio, where he lives now, bringing home the bacon for my husband, the violist. The problem, of course, is that the only reason I met Elijah was Alice.

Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 4 “Elixir” [27FF]

[pt. 1 “Dinner”]( | [pt. 3 “Before”](

I could still feel her lips on my cheek when James asked for a picture with just her, no doubt hoping for the same treatment. Alice agreed, but all he got was his arm around her waist.

Elijah asked for a picture with me, and I happily obliged. I didn’t have to force a smile as his hand rested above my hip.

Back at our seats, we talked about some auditions Elijah had coming up. “I’m trying to decide if I want to do grad school or teaching. But there just aren’t enough full-time orchestra jobs for me to realistically think I’ll do that after I graduate. Maybe I can find gig work or something. How about you? What are your post-graduation plans?”

“Well, I’ve got two years left, but then I’m thinking law school.” I always got nervous when I told people my plans, like they knew more about it than I did and could see I wasn’t smart or driven enough.

He beamed. “Good for you! Wow, so I can call you if I ever get arrested, right?”

I laughed and smiled back at him.

Categorized as Erotica

Sara & Alice: More than Friends? pt. 3 “Before” [27FF]

[pt. 1, “Dinner”]( | [pt. 2, “Wine”](

It was the night before Alice left for her study abroad.

Her entire junior year would be spent in Rome and Florence, and I wouldn’t see her until the next fall. As a sending off party, she invited me to go out to dinner with her and some of her music friends. Fittingly, we met at an Italian place, but the menu was illegible to me. I sat across from Alice as we waited for the others.

“You can just order for me, right? I don’t know what any of this means.”

“None of it?”

“Alice, I know *spaghetti*, chicken parm, and eggplant parm. I don’t see those anywhere on here.”

“Look, spaghetti!” She laughed and pointed to the word on the menu, which was surrounded on both ends by impenetrable Italian.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

“I thought you’d be able to read it because of your Spanish.”

“Sorry to disappoint you and my abuela, but my Spanish is about as good as my Italian.”

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