My first time ever with a hung, big breasted, fat arsed 25 year old Brazilian trans girl 😮😝

My first time ever with a hung, big breasted, fat arsed 25 year old Brazilian trans girl 🥵

It has always been a fantasy of mine since being young to watch trans porn as I just found it exciting. I identify as a straight male that has always slept with women, until last December…

I sniffed so much cocaine one night I lost my head and self control it seems… I got an Uber 45 mins from my house as I had arranged a trans slut online.. something I had never had courage to do but that’s coke for you! (I had met lots of female hookers but for trans hookers it requires cocaine confidence)

I arrive and this Brazilian wearing a long silk lingerie robe answers the door and looks like a woman with her breasts bulging out. I thought I had been tricked but I was more than happy either way!

I ask to shower as I had been on an all day drink and coke session as I come out the shower she walks up to me with her silk robe undone tells me to sit on the toilet and puts her soft cock by my mouth and asks me to sniff a line of coke off her… it was happening 😮