[F18] I relapsed on porn sooo hard

I used to be the biggest goonette and literally masturbate 3 to 4 times a day and whenever I could. That meant in the morning, at school, right when I got home and right before bed. There was always porn rubbing through my head all day and I couldn’t stop watching and giving my clit attention. That was until about a month ago when I just completely stopped. Idk but I just became disgusted in to and quit. I deleted this app and all my porn lists and twitter and porn burner account.

I was doing so well until I got triggered last night. One of the things that really gets me going is humping stuffed animals and last night I was over my friends for the first time and found out she has a huge collection of squishmellows🙈 that being said when she fell asleep I began humping them right next to her through my underwear. I was up all night just riding them super quietly as to not wake and experienced orgasm after orgasm. I couldn’t help myself from becoming a little goonette again and eventually watching porn again and now here I am😜

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