On a Saturday nighr (Part 1) [MF]

It was a fairly warm saturday night. A few people were left in the bar as the band took – probably – the final break for the evening. It’s a celebration of Jon and Lisa’s engagement, a sort of a weekend break among friends. Kevin took another sip from his beer, got up and went to check out the instruments next to the stage as the band was relaxing for a bit. Drums, keys, bass and electric guitar and a girl as lead vocals. They were nice and passionate, alternating covers with some original songs. He stopped to check out the black guitar, when he hard someone close by:

>Do you play? asked the band member.
>A little, Kevin said with an obvious nerves tone.
>Hey, I’m Joe, said the band member with a smile as he approached.
>I’m… Kevin.
>Nice to meet you Kevin! You know what, people are leaving and Jane wants a break, how about we try a song?
>Oh yeah! Give him a chance to shine! said Jane giggling.
>I…don’t… how about wish I was blind? and I try something on…