I got further today [m4m]

I posted the other day about an encounter I had at the gym. I just got home from getting to experiment more with the guy from last week. We had been messaging some when I wasn’t around my wife. I’d been thinking about the experience of sucking him off but kept pondering his offer if I want to explore further. I had messaged him earlier yesterday to see if he was free. We agreed to meet up and work out together.

We arrived about the same time. Being 3 AM no one else is ever there at that time that I have seen. While I was so nervous still he was very chill and and talked me down some. I was already in my gym clothes but he had to change. I told him I would wait but he asked if I’d want to come watch and chill. I agreed and we went to the locker room. As I sat on the bench we were just making small talk. He took of his shirt and then slid off his pants. I was in instant awe all over again at his cock. I kept thinking all last week how much I enjoyed the taste and the feeling of his cum hitting my tongue. I asked him if he wanted me to suck on it a bit before we started lifting. He wanted to wait because he had a different idea.

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