I knew it was wrong

But I could smell her. Had been smelling her for days. The light scent of lust coming off her body. I knew she had been miserable and sad but beneath that was something else. A need. It would increase when we were together. Her cunt soaking. I could smell her. There it was just under her flowered perfume. I knew she would taste light and airy.

I had thought for years about fucking her. Nothing truly overt but the occasional look on her face would drive thoughts then my mind. “What would she look like when she came?” “How would that tiny body feel feel sliding down on me?” “What noises would she make?”

I figured like most things it would stay fantasy. Little glimmers in my mind as I stroked my cock.
Now I could smell her. My cock would twitch with each feint whiff and strain against my underwear when she would give me that look. All men know that look. That shy, teasing look that says “I am here if you have to balls to take me.” The unspoken challenge and invitation.