A Prison Bitch Goes To Hell

The last conscious memory I have was sitting there, strapped to that wooden chair, my girlfriend in the arms of a tattooed convict, laughing at me. The fear was rising as the warden put his hand up to the large switch sitting on the wall. My forehead was soaking wet from the sponge they had so gracefully wet me down with. The stinging metallic taste overwhelmed me and I felt the surging, burning pain course through my body. It was more pain than I had ever felt. Then, everything went black.

Little did I expect to awake again, fully aware of my surroundings. It took more than a moment to convince myself this was not a hallucination, that it was not a mere altered state of consciousness. There was a dark, encompassing shroud around me. No matter how hard I tried to shake this feeling of being surrounded I could not. I felt as though there was someone watching me through the darkness, or more specifically many people watching me. This made me feel even more uneasy than the shroud of darkness.

The Auction of White Prison Bitches (non-con, d/s, interracial, snuff)

John Allen, a wiry black convict in his thirties better known to the inmates by his nickname Mississippi woke up in his cell at first light. He was as excited as a kid at Christmas time when thinking about the event that was coming up today in a hidden store room just off the prison yard. He reached up to his cell’s bookshelf and grabbed his library borrowed copy of a book on the tactics and history of the black slave trade. It was a subject that had always interested and angered him, and he expected that the event he was so excited for would go a long way towards alleviating some of that anger.

He was of course looking forward to the auction of young white boys, fresh off the bus from county jails all over the state. The word on the prison yard was that there would be five or six new white boys to choose from. And to add to the excitement, only the first 20 black men into the room would be allowed to bid. Mississippi had been saving his money for months, foregoing his second greatest pleasure in prison, twix candy bars in order to outbid any of the other cons for the first white boy that caught his eye.

Prison White Boy Auction (MM, non-con, snuff, interracial)

John Allen, a wiry black convict in his thirties better known to the inmates by his nickname Mississippi woke up in his cell at first light. He was as excited as a kid at Christmas time when thinking about the event that was coming up today in a hidden store room just off the prison yard. He reached up to his cell’s bookshelf and grabbed his library borrowed copy of a book on the tactics and history of the black slave trade. It was a subject that had always interested and angered him, and he expected that the event he was so excited for would go a long way towards alleviating some of that anger.

He was of course looking forward to the auction of young white boys, fresh off the bus from county jails all over the state. The word on the prison yard was that there would be five or six new white boys to choose from. And to add to the excitement, only the first 20 black men into the room would be allowed to bid. Mississippi had been saving his money for months, foregoing his second greatest pleasure in prison, twix candy bars in order to outbid any of the other cons for the first white boy that caught his eye.