A friendly threesome

I sit on the couch,my leg bouncing in nervousness. A week ago my friend Abby, who is shorter than me who stands at 5’6 while I stand at 5’10, asked me to have a threesome with her and her boyfriend. I was confused and thought about it. Today I will give her and Xander, her boyfriend who is 6’4, my answer. The pounding on my door brings me out of my thoughts. I walk over and open the door to see Xander and Abby in the doorway. Abby was wearing a long coat and Xander was in a black shirt and black pants. “Why did you call us here Nianna?” she said with a knowing look. I put my head down in embarrassment.

After work hours part 1

oday has been long, and sadly it’s still not over with. There were endless meetings and so much work. I have been working as a PA for Xander Collins, the CFO, and CEO of XC Enterprises, for nearly 5 years. I love my job but it can be stressful at times. The past few weeks I have been looking at Xander in a whole new way.

Three weeks ago:

Categorized as sexystories