The lion and the lamb [dirty poem]

Moments with you are like an addiction, I cant stop craving you. I tell myself no no no, but when those hungry, animalistic eyes….so dark and deep lay upon mine, I cant help but give in to the electricity between us.

With I’m like a sweet lamb, and you’re like a lion about to pounce on your prey, luring it out of the bushes to sink your teeth into.
love kissing your lips, and sucking on your bottom, pulling lightly with my teeth, I love feeling your scruff against my neck as your mouth laps against my skin. Hands enlaced in my hair like like your afraid to let go.

The gentle way you tilt my head up and say the nastiest things, one wandering, possessive hand slither to my own personal waterfall, and circle gently. You breathe in the soft moan like some kind of drug.

If I could touch every part of you I would. You’re like a dip into liquid fire, and I am ablaze, burning and melting in your arms.

I plead and beg, whining for you to take me, now. Own me. Engulf me.
Please don’t leave me like this…whimpering and aching, aching for you.

Categorized as Erotica

Devour me [dirty poetry]

Wet dreams

Summer flings

Sweat glistening down the spine

Tell me all the dirty things

You like to hide deep in your mind

I’ll lap up every syllable

Of your dizzying daydreams

Let me drink in your eyes

Intoxicating, smoldering, hypnotizing

Can this flimsy flesh and bone

Contain this burning, beating passion?

It seems all words have escaped me

All that leaves my throat now

Are purrs and growls and moans

Soft pleading that

I need you I need you I need you

Honey, don’t leave me aching

Touch me

Kiss me

Eat me alive

Categorized as Erotica