Excerpt from Enthralled: Book 1 – The Crystal Heart (Sex Scene #2) [MF][69][Egyptian Cat Goddess]

**This is an excerpt from a 312 page eBook with lots of hardcore erotica, combined with fantasy action & adventure.**

**Free with Kindle Unlimited! Link to Amazon:** [Enthralled: Book 1 – The Crystal Heart](https://www.amazon.com/Enthralled-Book-1-Crystal-Heart-ebook/dp/B078JSLK92/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8)

Mark sat on one of the mattresses and expected Ahnix to join him on hers, but she remained standing a few feet away. She wordlessly began to untangle herself from the ancient and dirty cloth strips that covered her body.

At first, he thought that he should leave her to her privacy, but he told himself that if she wanted privacy she wouldn’t be shy about telling him to leave, or simply going somewhere else in the building where he wasn’t able to see. So he just sat back and wondered how much of the dusty cloth she was going to remove.

She took her time, slowly unraveling the long strips and rolling them up. Once the strip had been unwound from her body, she would take a finished roll of cloth and place it on the wooden table nearby. Her long, black tail hung limply behind her with only an occasional flick of its tip.