Old Man’s Fantasies

He was old and lonely and nearly past the point of caring anymore. He had no interest in women his age, and no ability to attract women who were significantly younger than him, which is what he wished for himself. Day after day he found a spot to sit and watch the world pass by him like a fleet runner he could never overtake. He also looked at the young women. So sweet. Fresh. Bodies tight and skin soft. He knew, indirectly, that many of them removed or modified their pubic hair, and he dreamed of verifying this directly. He’d also been told they pierced their nipples with little bars. This also was something that he longed to verify in person. Feel their taut nipples with bars in them. The idea was strange to him, yet alluring. In his mind it was an act of sexual rebellion and he liked the idea of it. Just like making their pubic area free of hair. It must be so smooth that way he thought.

Categorized as Erotica

Lake Encounter

She was swimming alone in a lake, tan body glistening and wet hair thick and dark. She had been at the lake for an hour and had seen and heard no one. Perhaps this was because it was a warm day, not a hot one, and even on hot days the lake water was somewhat cold and brisk, a feeling she enjoyed.

She reached shore and a small man-made sandy area that served as a makeshift beach, about 10 yards by 20 yards, the sand brown and capable of becoming fairly hot in the middle of summer when sunlight was steady and intense.

She had spread a large beach towel on the sand and lain down on it on her back, closing her eyes and spreading her legs slightly, rivulets of water tracing down her inner thighs, pierced nipples hard and visible beneath her white bikini top.

Categorized as Erotica


He was a 55 year old man stranded on an island of loneliness with no love on the horizon. He was a shy man, always had been, so when his wife died he made no attempt to find another partner. That was 10 years ago. She was the only woman he had been with intimately. When he felt sexual urges it reminded him of his wife and he wept. She had been his life and now she was gone forever and his life was as good as finished.

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