Mommy and me…

☆ Hey, this is my very first time writing one these and feedback would be greatly appreciated. Hope that you enjoy!! ☆

My eyes, a sad shade of self pity red. I had never cried so much in all of my life. A whole month had gone by and the only place I was to be found was slumped down, wrapped in my tear soaked sheets, weeping. I had only moved to piss and shit, I was no more then a limp noodle. Still recovering from my heart being ripped out by “The love of my life”, I was absolutely shattered.

My door squeaked open. A sigh greeted me, along with a soft, “darling, it’s November now”. I looked up. Between the never ending cascade of tears, I saw my mothers worried face hidden behind a gentle smile. “Is it”, I said with the blandest tone, I barely even noticed that I had replied. Like a moth to the light my mother whizzed over to me. Swooping me into her homely arms, it was just us. Like it had been for awhile now. When dad left I was burdened with the responsibility of being the only thing keeping mom from going coocoo bananas. We had become the broken leading the broken. Relying on one another for sanity.

Categorized as Erotica