[Mf]Fucking My Student

She was desperate, and I knew it. She had skipped every lecture, half the tutorials, and failed every single pop quiz too. Her failure was all but assured.

As I had cooly told her the day before, leaning back in my office chair. The air conditioning hummed softly, the only noise in the room besides her ragged breath. Locks of long black hair clung to her sweaty neck. Her irises, two milky globes of chestnut brown, danced around nervously.

“But you don’t have to fail of course. It would be such a shame, for a pretty girl like you to get held back an entire year.”

She stammered. “You want me to-?”

I stood up. My face was hard and cold in the harsh white light. I tucked my chair under the table and turned. “All I’m saying is that I will be free at 2pm tomorrow afternoon.”


She knocked three times. Once hard, then two softer ones half a second apart.

“Come in,” I said.

She pulled in the chair under her as she sat. “Get it over with.”

Cabin in the Woods Ch. 02 [mfff]

Zack awoke to a warm, wet mouth clamped around his cock the next morning. He groaned, feeling the tongue of the mystery girl swirl around his cockhead.

“Chloe?” Zack guessed, his forehead throbbing with a hangover from the sex filled night before.

“Nope, Samantha.” He opened his eyes to see the head of a bespectacled brunette spinning around him.

“Oh.” Zack closed his eyes and recollapsed on the bed, the events of the past twelve hours swirling around in his head. He’d driven to the cabin with his best friend Ashley, his cock-hardening crush Chloe, and Samantha, the nerdy brunette currently bobbing her head on his dick. He’d seen Chloe naked, fingering herself to the thought of him. Heck, he had seen all three of them in the nude, and stuck his cock in them one hole or another at the card game turned orgy the previous night. The last thing he remembered was crawling into bed with Ashley in his arms, her soft auburn hair splayed around his cheeks as she whispered into his ear.

Cabin in the Woods [mfff]

“Fuck it!” Chloe threw her laptop on the ground.

Zack winced at the cracking sound it made. “Couldn’t connect?” he asked sympathetically.

“It’s in the middle of fucking nowhere! What did you expect?” the busty blonde retorted. “Now we’re stuck here for a whole fucking week, without wifi… without pot… without shit. What am I supposed to do?”

“Maybe you could, you know, try to be nice,” Ashley muttered snarkily. She yawned, flipping a lock of her auburn hair lazily.

“She’s right Chloe,” Samantha, the last girl in the room spoke up. “You’ve got to look at the positives of the situation.”

“Oh yes of course, Miss Optimistic. There’s definitely so much to be positive about.”

“I mean, it’s not all Zack’s fault…” Samantha said.

“Well I wasn’t the one who said the storm wouldn’t fucking hit this place for another week!”

Zack glowered. “The forecast must have been wrong okay?”

“OH YES of course it must have! Because Zack over here simply can’t make any mistakes!”

“C’mon Chloe,” Samantha said.

“Oh really? So you’re going to defend that piece of shit now? I’ve had enough of you guys.”