Memoirs of a kidnapped girl [Mf][bd][Mdom][huml] (first story)

I wake up to the sound of him walking down the stairs. Although I’m feeling dizzy and disoriented, I know for sure he is coming for me.
The last few weeks have been like this…I think. I can’t recall much other than that I was out partying with my friends, then the next moment I woke up in someone’s basement. Drugged but seemingly unharmed, with all my clothes still on me. I’ve been kidnapped. My memory beyond that is patchy at best. I remember being dragged to a different place a few of times, just to pass out from some kind of drug again and again.
I remember hearing the voice of a man. Kind words… Although now that I look at myself I can see the bruises on my legs and my arms. I’m so confused. I hate him but somehow I know that I don’t want to resist. Whatever happened since my kidnapping, it seem to have taught me that lesson.