This is my recollection of my very brief affair with an engaged woman during my junior year in college. I am recalling this from almost 50 years ago so the quotes are the best I can do. I have changed names and some places to protect the identities of those involved.
I am using the term ‘karate mom’ as we commonly do with ‘soccer mom’, ‘baseball mom’, ‘hockey mom’ etc. I don’t recall anybody at that time using that term. I’m using it as a shortcut phrase that most people will comprehend.
If you want to skip the background, skip down to the —— line.
When I was a college student (early 1970s) I could not afford to pay my karate instructor for lessons so he and I struck a deal. I would teach two classes of first or second level students each week (three hours total) at the YMCA in exchange for a single one hour class of advanced training in his dojo (school). It was a fair trade – teach to be taught.