Elizabeth hurried into her car, slammed the driver’s door closed, and immediately gripped the steering wheel with a towel-wringing strength, twisting and pulling the faux-leather wrap.
Or, as she imagined them: strangling the last two awful hours at work.
She relaxed her grip, taking several shallow breaths to regain her composure, and pressed her head back into the headrest.
She glanced at the rear view mirror, saw the blue and green neon lights of the Day N’ Nite Grocery sign behind her in the parking lot.
“Fuuuuuck that place,” she muttered, tensing back up and stomping her feet, hands back on the steering wheel in a violent grip.
It was five o’clock. Shoppers pushed shopping carts in and out, a perpetual motion machine, and the parking lot was a constant come-and-go.
She had parked at the far end of the lot in the spots facing the road that employees were allowed to park in. A little less come-and-go here. A stray shopping cart was beside her, driver’s side. She had given it a kick before unlocking her car. On the passenger side was Max’s car, a banged up red Camry that made her boxy Volvo look like a Cadillac. A handful of other cars were parked along this strip, but she only knew of a few co-workers that drove to work.