4th Period Lit [Str8] [M/f] [reluc]

This is a work of fiction, lets keep it that way.

"How do you always manage to pick me up so late?"

Melendy was not pleased. Though she had been riding to school with Cassie since the dawn of Cassie's 16th birthday 8 months earlier, she still had not grown used to the inevitability of Cassie arriving at her door 15 minutes after she said she was going to.

Although not normally a problem, Melendy had racked up her share of demerits that semester at their tightly wound, all girls Catholic high school. The morning bell rang promptly at 7:50, and–with a 15 minute drive ahead of them in the horrible Seattle traffic–they were due to arrive a full 20 minutes later.

"Get over it" mumbled Cassie, still dreary from yet another near sleepless night and already slightly stoned. She drew on her small glass pipe and let out a thick, lascivious cloud of marijuana smoke.