The Sorcerer’s Newest Girl: The Year of Service (Part 1) [fM, fantasy, oral, genderswap]

I grew up as a boy in a large family full of boys and one father. I was the youngest and my mother died giving birth to me. My brothers and father were loud and aggressive. I was quiet and gentle. They often made fun of me for not being more masculine like them. It got to the point where I wanted to kill myself. Instead of killing myself, I decided to run away and try to start a new life as a girl, somewhere else.

I had heard of a sorcerer who lived in an old abandoned castle far away. It was rumored that he had incredible powers and it was known that his services were very expensive. Among his rumored powers, one was to be able to change males into females and females to males. This was my last option; if it didn’t work, I had promised myself that I would end my life.