A Long Time Coming (Part 1)

The note was kind of sweet, nestled between my sandwiches and protein bar, in the lunch she’d packed for me this morning.

*Can’t wait for you to get home… I have a surprise for you ❤️*

It didn’t take me long to figure it out tho! She said she was going shopping today, and the few pounds she had recently lost had improved her confidence to no end. Our sex life had been more playful and more adventurous that it had been in years! The lingerie store had been mentioned more than once! Well, let her have her fun surprise, I have more than one of my own!

Hanging my suit jacket on the hook, I called into the house to find my sweet little gift giver and when she called back, it was obvious that the master bedroom is exactly where she was. Removing my tie and rolling up the sleeves on my shirt, I followed the sound of her voice up the stairs and across the landing. Leaning in the bedroom doorway, I watched as she reapplied her slick lip gloss. Catching sight of me in the mirror, she rose from the antique chair and slowly walked over to greet me, the tie of her silk robe trailing along the floor behind her as she pulled the soft fabric down over her shoulders to reveal her surprise!

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No, I don’t think you’re getting it…

I don’t want you to “make love to me”, or “play around” right now. I don’t want you to “make it all about me”.

Let me explain…

I want you to fuck me! I want the speed! The urgency! I want the unbridled, unrestrained, “have to have you right this instant!” kind of fucking.

The take-my-breath-away, need-to-feel-you, passionate, intense, carnal kind of sex that melts the world away, so that all that exists is the feeling of you stretching and pounding my pussy until we both explode again and again! So that gravity ceases to hold us and my brain no longer functions, until my legs are weak and my throat burns with the gasping and moaning of hot air. Until we are both sweat-soaked and drained and collapse together in a tangled heap of exhaustion!

That’s what I want right now… I want that with you!

Categorized as Erotica

A Dream I Keep Having…

You’re sat at the table, having a beer, when I walk in to show you how a dress looks for whatever event. Turning in the chair, you very deliberately look me up and down and ask me to turn around. I do so.
Then you summon me closer, sliding your hands around my waist (still seated) then up my back to unfastened the dress and let it slide down my body. Leaving me stood in front of you again, this time in only a corset, thong, stockings, suspenders and heels.
You get to your feet and walk around me slowly, fingers trailing  as again you look me over. Sitting back down in front of me, your only comment is “better” as you continue to look. Just as I am about to start getting embarrassed and go get changed, you stand, taking my hand, lean in close and whisper “Don’t do that. You trust me right?”
All I can do is nod but that not enough as you tell me to say it! Finding myself no longer panicking, I swallow and tell you “Yes, I trust you ” then you smile and kiss me gently but not shyly while sliding your hands around me waist again.
Suddenly you’re lifting me slightly to sit me on the table, in front of where you had been sitting, steadily leaning me further back whilst moving your lips down my body until I’m laid on the table before you.
Unfastening each catch on the front of the corset, slowly, teasingly, deliberately, you have me bare breasted and breathless, still moving maddeningly slow.
I slide my legs up around you as I try to rise and tease you too, but you refuse to let me, gently pushing me back down against table and taking my legs from around you. You’re irresistibly in total control as you rest my feet on the arms of your vacated chair, running your hands up my legs, still achingly slow and frustratingly deliberate in every movement.
Teasing, stroking, with kisses and licks as you continue exploring.
I can’t help but to gasp and whimper in delicious agony, moving my body in archs to raise against wherever I can touch you.
That’s when you sit down in the chair again, pulling it closer to the table still between my legs.
Then I hear a snap, then another. Whether you cut the thong or  just ripped it, I couldn’t say but the cold air as you pull it away has me almost jumping off the table.
Then you’re touching me, first thighs, then teasingly anywhere but the one place I’m desperately wanting you to.I try to raise my hips to guide you, but your insistent hands won’t let me move against you, leaving me no option to plead a little with you… Oh Matt! Please, I’m so close! Do it now!
You just quietly chuckle to yourself and continue exploring, moving so very close but deliberately not letting me twist and turn to get closer to any kind of relief.
Then one finger, just one finger slowly drags it’s way up the centre of my very wet pussy, causing me to arch up against the table, and just when I finally start to relax down, your tongue follows the same path.
A very deep moan escapes me as you start to explore, and I can’t control the movement of my hips as you slowly feast….
Then I’m lost. No longer coherent or present, just burning hotter and hotter, rushing towards immediate release and that’s when you stop, chuckle and ask if I want to move somewhere else. Letting your fingers make lazy circles while I catch my breath enough to answer, only I can’t decide, I can’t think. “I want you, I don’t care where!” This elicits another maddening chuckle.

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Is it wrong? (F ramble, 18+)

Is it so wrong?

To want to be desired?

To desire being lusted after?

To lust after the heat of passion?

Maybe it’s only wrong to want it so much… To burn with unquenchable fire while drowning in circumstance.

I don’t even care anymore! If it’s wrong, then so be it! But I have to have it!

There has to be a day when someone looks at me with naked, unabashed wanton desire in their eyes, when they see more than a few extra pounds and the strands of grey flashing thru my auburn hair. When their raging storm of lust tempers my burning passion into something unbreakably strong and enduring.

I want to feel that. I want to feel their stare from across the room, to see that carnal look shining in their eyes as they devour my too curvy body. I want to feel my heartbeat flutter as they cross the room towards me, like a moth drawn to the light. I want to feel the heat of their breath as they whisper in my ear, the hand lingering on my back, the warmth radiating from their closeness.
I want to feel my face flush slightly as they make a suggestion to move somewhere more intimate, away from the world. I want to feel the promise of something special in those words, see the challenge in those eyes and send it back with every aspect of my being.

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