[FM] That Night in That Place

It had been a boring week. Work and home and home and work. But it was the end of that now and Friday night was calling. She wasn’t usually one for bars, but she needed a release and so, she found herself leaning on a counter tucked into a corner of a loud dance club. The noise helped drown her own thoughts out while the visual of dancing bodies entertained her.

She had been thinking about ordering a drink for the past hour, but she never did. She just wiggled a bit to the music and sipped at ice water.

That didn’t last much longer though as someone slipped in next to her. She could feel eyes on her then and looked over a bit shyly. The man who was looking her up and down, earned a look of his own as she took in his hight and size. He was like a handsome beast, and just standing so close to him had her body reacting. She couldn’t stop the smile from stretching at her lips. “Hello….”

Categorized as Erotica

[FM] In The Morning

She never was a morning person and loved sleeping in when she could. But that also made her a prime target when he wakes up first. The light from the window is soft over her skin. Her eye lids twitching as she dreams of some far away place. But he is a morning person, at least more so that she is, and wakes before her. He sees that light caressing her smooth skin as the sheets had come away from her voluptuous body at some point. With a smirk, he shifts and slides a hand over her body, slowly peeling back the rest of the sheets to leave her fully exposed.

Her nipples firm at the sensation of the soft fabric slipping off her body to be replaced by cooler air followed by a warm touch. She doesn’t wake though, too caught up in her dreams. He takes advantage of this though, leaning in to kiss at her neck and shoulder as he carefully slides his hand between her thick thighs. It must have been a good dream because her pussy is already dripping wet.

Futa Orcess and her Submissive GF [fantasy, Fdom/Fsub, hum]

On the other side of the city a different scene unfolded as Ayisha walked home, her cover robe billowing out around her scantily dressed body with slumped shoulders. She pushed the door of Nyssa’s home open and just barely contained a little sniffle, shoulders shaking a bit.

Nyssa may not have been an elf, but her own ears heard the entry and the little sniffle. “Ayisha?” She called out, her voice much deeper than an elves but feminine for an orc. She put down the bit of leather work she had been threading at her work table to get up and peek into the entry of her little home. Yellow eyes narrowed a bit and she stepped towards the curvy blond. “What happened?” She asked.

That was all it took for the petite female to loose a few tears and sniffle a bit louder, trying her hardest to keep her elflven composure. “The bath master yelled at me again…” she answered with a trembling voice.

Nyssa sighed and scooped the smaller woman up and carried her to the large couch that had been built just for the large orcess. “You know he’s only so hard on you because you are so good…” she cooed, holding her little lover to her firm breast.