A Scholar Gone Wild Part 1: New School, New Sensations

*Hello to the everyone who is either interested or curious about erotica and smut fiction!*


I am a 20 something year old writer who just wants to share some of my sexual and fictional stories that i’ve been thinking and conceptualizing about for a very long time. I’ve been a long time lurker here reading so many interesting stories and wanted to contribute by giving you guys these! Now these series follows the fictional stories and the sexual misadventures of the students and teachers of the college called DTFU somewhere in the Philippines. In addition, these fictional stories are written in the first person perspective of the main characters. If anyone is interested, feel free to support this project by reading it as well as giving critique to my works. You may also give suggestions and ideas on potential storylines and characters.


Shy, and innocent scholar student, Cat Tolares, finally enters her dream school after so much perseverance and hardwork in her academics. However, an unexpected encounter with a bunch of college boys soon changes not only her life, but her appearance, attitude and sex life forever

1. [Cat Tolares](https://www.reddit.com/user/PH-Smut_Writer/comments/oprraw/cat_tolares/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)
2. [Liam Ledesma](https://www.reddit.com/user/PH-Smut_Writer/comments/oq34ec/liam_ledesma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

A Scholar Gone Wild Part 1: New School, New Sensations

*Hello! New member here and long time reader as well wondering and hoping for someone to read my stories hehe! For context, This story is set in the Philippines since i am Filipino but i do think its general setting is enough for most people to understand? If you have any questions comment down below. In addition, i’m planning to create a series of stories set in the same universe/university (fictional of course) regarding the sexual misadventures of the students and teachers there. Below you will find the summary of one particular story and what the main character looks like in that same story as well as the entire story of chapter 1. However, in my account, you will find the other 5 series that i’ll be doing soon once i’ve be finished A Scholar Gone Wild story. That said, i’m not the best writer but hopefully my skills will improve overtime as i continue this. Happy reading to all and also check out the disclaimer below! I’ll post part 2 soon once i complete translating a few parts into English.*