Out in the great wide open, far beyond the bustle of city life, there is a place. A place we have created; and a place for creation.
It is a place of nurturing and life. Where we live in sync with Nature, and her rhythms guide us in the neverending creation and husbandry of new life.
I have felt it’s pull for years. A man whose hands know when to plant seed in fertile soil, how to midwife spring’s calves onto green pastures. How to do and fix, build and create.
The season’s energy thrums within me. Calling as rain does to the grass. Twice before I’ve answered it, and one perfect child plays at my feet, smiling up at me, while our perfect baby sleeps in the arms of my loving wife.
I feel it again. As strong as ever. Yet my wife can no longer answer it with me. This must be her last.
So I work. Nurturing the life that nurtures our family. Remembering the magic that her and I created. Reveling in it. But I also yearn to make it again.