My Best Friend [MF]

Lydia was one of those high school girlfriends when things never get much more serious than holding each other’s hands on a park bench. After we ‘broke up’ and we stayed friends, we grew up through high school together. Not that she wasn't already, but Lydia became absolutely gorgeous. Everybody in school knew it, too. Quite often I would feel a little smug when other guys would lose their minds with jealousy over how I had managed to “get her young” and that I got to be friends with such a hot girl. It felt a little bit weird to think about her like that. She was certainly attractive, but she was my friend. One of my best friends. Truth be told, I was a little protective over her. Not that she needed protecting, least of all from me. After high school, everybody went off to do their own thing at university. The most contact I would have with my old friends would be through the posts they shared on Facebook. Lydia posted fairly regularly, sharing photos of her with her new boyfriend. Then later, after things hadn't worked out, changing her status back to single. And then back again with some new guy.