Not Afraid of Mushrooms [MF,inc,oral]

Daniel was staying with his parents for the holidays. It was nice to get a break from his controlling wife, Renee. She and Daniel’s folks didn’t get along at all. Quite frankly nobody was getting along with Renee right now. Not seeing her for a day or two would do them all some good.

Daniel’s older sister Bobbi was staying with them, too. A sergeant in the army, Bobbi didn’t get to see her brother as much as either of them wanted. It would be nice to spend time with Bobbi without Renee hovering around, judging everyone and calling Bobbi a “bull dyke” under her breath.

Bobbi was rather androgynous in appearance. Daniel even unconsciously thought of her as a brother sometimes. It didn’t matter to him, he loved her unconditionally and looked up to her.

Where Daniel was getting a little bit soft around the middle from an office job, Bobbi was all muscle and sinew. She wasn’t big or tall, but she was very wiry and frighteningly strong. She kept her black hair buzzed extremely short, not opting for any of the feminine styles allowed by the military. Her crew cut was so tight she was almost bald.

The Scholarship [FFFm,mast,inc,CEI]

“To friends,” said Sylvia, raising her wineglass.

“To friends!” agreed Meredith, raising hers.

“I’ll drink to that,” Lisa slurred, sloshing her wine.

So far the dinner party had been a success. Her friends had raved over the quality of the meal. Many fun anecdotes had been shared, catching up on the gossip and news. A lot of wine had been consumed.

Sylvia would normally have been very contented at this point of the evening. But she was troubled, distracted. This did not go unnoticed by the other two.

“Sylvia, what’s bothering you?” Meredith asked, creasing her brow.

Sylvia returned her friend’s gaze. Meredith was so prim and proper, and a bit of a prude at times. But she was still very trim and attractive at 60. Blonde hair in a pageboy cut over a symmetrical face with few lines, Meredith looked younger than her age. She was smartly dressed in an expensive tailored dress which accentuated her large bosom without showing any actual cleavage.

Meredith was sort of a mentor to Sylvia, who was 44. Sylvia enjoyed her company and kept Meredith on a pedestal in her mind.

Samantha and Judy [FF,inc,watersports,BDSM]

Samantha was home from college for the summer. She was in her room, curling her long brown hair. Her mom Judith (everybody called her Judy) was taking a shower.

Samantha was close to her mom, especially after her father had left them. She enjoyed being home.

Judy stepped out of the steaming shower and toweled herself off. She then dried off the floor-length mirror on the door. It was time to appraise herself.

She wasn’t thrilled with what she saw, but she was doing OK for a woman in her late 40s. She had a little more body fat than she should, but she wasn’t technically obese. She tried to stay toned and firmed with regular exercise, and that helped.

Her hair was a light blonde, and cut short. Not her natural color, but the stylist had done a good job with it. She liked that at least.

Judy’s handsome face was lined and a bit tired looking, but not too bad. Her brown eyes were still bright and clear, with no bags under them and nice thick lashes and expressive eyebrows. She often used very little makeup. Her mouth was small and more severe looking than she’d like. She actually had a warm, fun personality and her mouth didn’t match it. That’s the one place she tried to attack with lipstick and gloss in various combinations. Her attempt to make it look more inviting.

Josh and Jordan [Fmm,inc,oral]

It was Saturday morning and Josh was visiting at his friend’s house, Jordan Meadows. They were flipping through comics and graphic novels in Jordan’s room. The two had been friends for a few years now. Josh and Jordan, inseparable buddies both at school and in their little community.

Their comic-browsing reverie was shattered by the shrill voice of Mrs. Meadows, shrieking from the kitchen.

“Jordan Meadows, come in here this instant!’

Josh and Jordan gave each other knowing looks. Jordan slumped out of the room. Josh felt bad for him.

Josh waited for a few seconds, then slinked after Jordan, hiding behind furniture and listening. He couldn’t help himself. It was always so funny when Jordan got into trouble.

And Mrs. Meadows was hot. Really fucking hot. He hid behind the sofa, which was close to kitchen. He could hear everything.

“Jordan, what the hell is this doing on my phone!”

“I don’t know, mom…”

“What do you mean, you don’t know? I sure as hell couldn’t have put it there.”

“I’m sorry mom…I was just playing around…I meant to delete it.”

The Test Subject – Part Seven [mT,sci-fi,horror,gore]

Blood and gore warning.

Once again Mark found himself floating in the green goo. The cooking spinach odor made him want to gag.

This shit was getting old. He had been everyone’s passive little plaything for too long. He was their laboratory joke: he was “the human penis”.

He was just their pretty cock toy…a big penis to torture and tease and abuse however they wanted. Hell, the bastards had even sliced it off.

What the fuck did it take to get a promotion around here?

With a small pang of guilt he realized he’d enjoyed more than his share of fun, too. He’d loved the torment. He’d done terrible things to them and to himself. It had brought him new levels of pleasure he’d never known before coming down here. It was why he was here.

But something was very different this time in regeneration.

It wasn’t that he didn’t feel good. No, in fact he felt great! He felt full of energy and really wanted to just stand up and walk out of this vat of nasty green goo.

To hell with it, why not?

The Test Subject – Part Six [MFT,sci-fi,horror]

As the nurse rolled Mark down the maze of corridors in a wheelchair, the memories of his time in the regeneration lab came back to him in brief snapshots.

The crash cart. The IV. The team of medical specialists stabilizing him.

Julie, standing in the background. A vicious expression of victory on her face.

Days and nights, soaking in a vat of thick green goo that looked like shampoo and smelled vaguely like cooking spinach.

The horrible wound between his legs, slowly healing.

A bare patch of skin, with only a catheter tube coming out.

A tiny nub of flesh, growing every day.

The image of a miniature penis—a baby’s dick—growing out of his own crotch where his manhood used to be.

Not much else after that. More days lost to sleeping than anything.

Now riding in the wheel chair he was wearing only slippers and a hospital gown, tied at the back. His entire pelvis was wrapped in bandages, a catheter tube snaking down into a collection bag.

The Test Subject – Part Five [MF,BDSM,scif-fi,horror,gore]

Blood and gore warning.

For the next several days, Mark was allowed to roam about in the EMB Labs facility. He couldn’t go into certain restricted areas, but otherwise he was treated kindly by the staff and almost felt like a new employee.

They’d housed up, fed him, and even given him simple jobs and tasks to take care of.

Most of the staff wore business attire, many of them draped in lab coats. Some meandered about in coveralls.

Mark was uniquely dressed among them. They’d replaced his latex bodysuit with another bodysuit, this one made of a much better, breathable material. It was some kind of high-tech blend. It reminded him of a cross between neoprene and spandex. Very comfortable.

It was all black and covered him from neck to ankle like a diver’s suit. He wore rubber-soled booties of similar material over his feet. His hands and head were bare.

The material conformed perfectly to his body, like a second skin. There was a soft plastic zipper-fly over the crotch.

The Test Subject – Part Four [MFT,BDSM,sci-fi,horror,gore]

Blood and gore warning

“Hera, please clean our test subject.”

“What happened to calling me by my first name?” Mark asked Dr. Rebekah.

“That was a slip up on my part, Mr. Richardson.”

The giant she-god walked over to Mark, her muscles undulating. She started licking his face and neck, cleaning cum off of him. “Mmmm”

Mark vaguely felt like a baby kitten getting a bath from its mother. He watched Hera’s breasts jiggle as she cleaned him, her long finger-like nipples occasionally brushing him.

“OK Hera, now use some damp towels, please,” Dr. Rebekah instructed.

Hera gave Mark a through scrubbing with warm, wet towels. Getting the rest of the semen out off of him.

The giantess stooped over and cleaned the floor, too. With envy, Mark watched her enormous cock sway and flop. Hera’s firm buttocks and leg muscles flexed, her massive shoulders working as she cleaned.

“Good enough Hera. You may retire for the night.” Dr. Rebekah casually dismissed the she-god. Hera picked up all the towels and her discarded two-piece tunic and walked towards the door. Mark watched her enormous muscular ass, her swaying breasts, and that glorious arcing cock as the giantess departed.

The Test Subject – Part Three [MFT,BDSM,sci-fi,huml]

Mark had become his penis, and only his penis.

The latex body suit, the restraints, the darkened room….it subdued and buried all of the rest of him into the background. His job, his personality, the socially acceptable masks he wore…none of it mattered.

He was a hungry, needy, desperate penis. Strapped to a table in a lab. Nothing less and nothing more.

Rigid before him, erect and stiffer than he’d ever known it to be, stood his member for the world to see. Shaved clean, his dick and balls were exposed and vulnerable. Bursting forth from a slit precisely cut in the latex by the doctor. It looked like a ripe piece of fruit about to be plucked.

His cock was cool and glistening in the air of the lab. The end of the stainless steel pipe still protruded from his urethra. The spotlight glinted off of both the steel pipe and his cock as it throbbed and burned.

“A banana on a display pole,” he mumbled to himself, almost laughing.

The Test Subject – Part Two [MF,BDSM,sci-fi]

Dr. Rebekah eyed Mark warily, “Things are about to get intense for you, Mr. Richardson. I hope you’re ready.”

Mark tried to breathe deeply, slowly, to calm himself. He was so aroused and so frightened at the same time.

“This examination table serves multiple purposes,” the doctor continued.

“The first purpose is to restrain you, obviously. It’s not to restrain you against your will. In fact we know you want to be restrained. It’s to give you permission to submit. To keep the embarrassed and fearful part of your brain from overriding your true wants and needs, your inner desires.”

Mark watched her as she slowly paced in front of him.

“Secondly it is important that you remain very still for what’s coming next. If you wiggle around too much it could damage you. ”

Mark felt the sweat trickling under his arms and down his back. The latex bodysuit was even more like a greasy sausage casing.

“Thirdly, the straps and examination table surface have nano-scale probes embedded in them. I shall activate them now.”