(f)antasy about my domineering boss has been running around in my head lately [reluc]

Hey, I’m a 20-year old girl who can’t shake these fantasies out of my head. I guess I’ll start with the first one:
I have a boss who is a nationally ranked athlete, so obviously he’s really talented. His determination and focus is really sexy and even from my first interview for my job with him I could definitely feel a spark. He always stares at me really intensely, like he has full control over me or would cut me in half. It’s very hot.

The next time I had an interview with him, he showed me different exercises to show to the kids and talked with me on a park bench about my work schedule. This was all fun but then a fly flew by my leg and he reached out to catch it, peeking at the end of my skirt. The quick motion of him catching a fly and then staring intently at my body, even for a split second was enough to give me shivers. If he’d advanced on me in that moment, I don’t know what I would have done.