[Mf] Mary’s Education (ageplay, female masturbation, exhibitionism)

This was a few years back. DVDs were a thing but Google wasn’t really yet. People still went to libraries and my hair was a fair amount thicker and my waist thinner. I was in my late 20s. I’d graduated college, inherited full control of my trust fund, and in the grand tradition of the time gotten a place in the suburbs. The place I bought had a swimming pool in the backyard, which was sweet, although kind of a lot of work to keep clean.

I was working as a freelance writer for various periodicals. The work was varied and interesting but best of all it let me work from wherever. In theory, I could go traveling wherever I wanted and still work. In practice I mostly just worked from home.

The problem with not working from a worksite was not having any social life from work. I hit the bars, but I was never really that much for carousing so it didn’t really suit me. The neighborhood I lived in didn’t help. My neighbors were mostly middle aged couples with families.

[MF] Plumbing the Depths (male dominant)

Carolyn woke up late thanks to a last minute rush to get a paper written for her morning class. She figured since it was the class that had kept her up until 4am she didn’t need to go. The paper had been turned in online last night and she’d given this morning over to decadence.

When she finally flipped her covers over and sat up into the cool air it was almost noon. She brushed her hair and threw on some comfy flannel lounge clothes before stepping out into the common area she shared with Helena. Carolyn though Helena had classes at 1 and so should be leaving soon for a couple hours. Time enough for a shower and maybe some play time. She felt a familiar tingle start to grow in her gut.

“Bitch, you almost slept all day,” Helena called brightly as she saw Carolyn. She gave Carolyn a good morning hug and peck on the cheek. “Paper kept you up, huh? I got to scoot. University Housing finally sent a guy around to fix the disposal.” Helena looked over her shoulder towards the kitchen and then mouthed silently, “He’s *cuuuuute*.”

[Mf] Better Living Through Chemistry (pseudo-incest, dub-con, sleep play, age play)

It’s not my fault.

There’s just so much a man can resist. Only so much he can take before the pretense of civility shatters and a man is just a lusting beast.

I may not be the kind of guys you’d imagine to be over powered by physical needs. I work in the tech industry. I’m 41. I keep in decent shape but I’m not the kind of guy girls dream about at night. I’ve got a decent sense of humor and I’m pretty damn bright, but girls seem to want frat/jock assholes and I’ve never crushed a beer can on my forehead or raped a girl…

Fuck, that’s no longer true, is it?

I married Jen six years ago. I adore her and her daughter, Sheila. Jen’s my best friend and she was my best lover. Unfortunately she’s had some complications down there that have made sex painful for her. She still gives me handjobs and head, but we’re both busy with careers and a lot of the time I’m left to take care of business myself. It’s not so bad. I work remotely from home so it’s easy to throw on some porn and jack off during the day. Once Sheila’s out the door to school I have the house to myself until she gets back about 3.