A Gentleman at a Bar Loans me His Wife

I’d met this nice couple at a bar , and we’d had a few drinks and talked politics and poetry and sort of hit it off . The husband was tall and solidly built much like myself , with silver speckled thru his dark hair and the wife was a hot soccer mom dirty blonde . She had full d cup breast and wide hips and ass . They were delightful . Smart and funny , but also weirdly relaxed talking to big black man in a bar they didn’t know .

The husband over the e course of the convo became more and more quiet , more of a fly on the wall as me and the wife turned the convo more from politics to poetry and philosophy. She’d studied and earned her PHD in Philosophy and I’d considered my self a connoisseur of it myself . Oddly enough the husband and we didn’t seem upset that we hit it off . He actually began to order more and more drinks and sort of ply us with liquor .

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Lifestyle Club Fun

New to the city and wanted to try out a lifestyle club. Had been to one previously with an ex lover but never had been a single male , and in a new city . Going as a single guy can be tricky because you have no one to socialize with naturally so you must come in and be funny and friendly on your own , which can be taken as being too forward by some women and their lovers .

Attended the club once or twice and picked up the nuances. There are your regulars who regularly play and the husbands seem to be the “leaders” of the group. If you chat them up and they approve of you then they will “let” or bless off with you chatting up their wives . The first few nights , I went basically consisted of drinking with the “regulars” flirting and hugging with their wives and then us watching new couples have sex from time to time .

The regulars were older and while still good looking , none of the new couples really approached them for more than conversation. Most time when a young attractive couple came , they “played” with each other only and put on a show or they brought a friend couple .

Flashing Dick to my GF’s Stepmom

A few years back , I was down on my
luck and moved in with my GF who lived with her step mother and sister. It was weird but they made me feel comfortable as they said it provided them security having a man in the house . It wasn’t long before they were all comfortable walking a round in robes , undies , and different levels of undress. This would have me sport a boner , I originally tried to hide it but realized only my GF would be upset but the other women would become more playful and friendly .

At this time my GF and the other women all had their rooms upstairs and having sex was always a tenuous situation because we felt as if they could hear us so we would avoid it unless they were gone , USUALLY. One night after clubbing we had sex and my GF fell asleep . I’d left the room to pee and noticed that her step mother had her door open…. while it was dark and only windows provided illumination, it looked as if she might have been in there fingering herself quietly .

Categorized as Erotica