One night stand with a milf

So this is going to be my first story and about a one night stand I had with a milf and my newly found fetish and how it went down so hope you enjoy my story.

So a few years back I was hanging out with a local island girl (we were not dating or official) just testing out the water with and her and, her friend that was on the thicker side but she was like wow. The night was going very smoothly. Everything was just right the mood, atmosphere, everything. So after leaving the beach her friend drops us home. Fast forward a bit it was just me and the other friend get to my apartment.

Now this is where things get heated.
I asked her if she wanted to hang out and she excepts and comes along with me. Now I’m going to add that I truly wasn’t expecting anything to happen with her but I was totally blind sided. So fast forward about 30 minutes we’re both laughing and joking about silly stuff just Havin good time of it.