Funny Guy Next Door (MF) (fiction) (struggle) (forced)

Today is going to be a day we will always remember. My wife Ashley is turning 30 and I have a great celebration in mind. I could use a hand setting up before Ashley gets home so I head out to my across the street neighbors to ask for a hand.

Mark and Nicole are about our age and are good neighbors, the kind you forget are there most of the time. Nicole seems to like me better than she does my wife. Truthfully, it’s kind of obvious that Nicole just tolerates Ashley to keep things happy for everyone. It has not gone unnoticed by both Ashley and myself the couple times Nicole has brought up how she likes the way I see humor in everything and how easy going I am. Once after cleaning up the neighborhood July 4th fireworks, I remember Nicole telling Ashley that I was the perfect next door neighbor.

For most of the world today is a boring late winter Saturday around lunch time and like an idiot Mark left Nicole home alone. He does this most weekends trying to never fully grow up. If Mark realized what a treasure Nicole is he’d be spending today flirting and touching her continuously but he’s off with his moron buddies from school, golfing or fishing or some stupid waste of time.