The Profile, Part Eight [FF]

# The Profile, Part Eight

In the heat of the moment, each girl discovers who she really is.

Good things come to those who wait ;) Enjoy! -Bells xoxo <3








Meanwhile, back at the house, Baylee and Melissa were getting ready for round two of the photo session. Melissa was getting really into it and had set up her bedside lamp to provide dramatic lighting.

On the other side of the room, Baylee was going through Melissa’s clothes to try to find a few outfits.

“Don’t you have anything sexier than this?” she asked, tossing Melissa’s underwear drawer all over the floor. “It’s like you’re not even trying. Do you want to be single forever?”

Slightly embarrassed, Melissa replied, “I… I have a few others. They’re in the bag next to the dresser.”

Baylee turned around and shot an intrigued look at her friend.

“You’ve been holding out on me! You’re secretly a bigger slut than me, I bet.” She laughed and reached down for the bag.

She was getting ready to tease Melissa some more when she opened the bag.

The Profile, Part Seven [FF]/[F]

# The Profile, Part Seven

The girls set up for more photos and Catherine gets ready for a secret rendezvous.

I’m finishing up part eight soon which promises to have a lot more of the good stuff. Sorry it’s so late this week. Things got crazy. Hope you’re still enjoying :) -Bells xoxo <3







“There you are!” said Melissa, “I was starting to worry you’d drowned.” Baylee’s choice of outfit didn’t go unnoticed, and Melissa did her best not to stare too much.

Baylee laughed, replying, “Nah, just had to wash my hair and stretch out a bit. I’m sore from all that running yesterday.”

Melissa set a plate down in front of her on the counter and asked, “How many pancakes do you want?”

“How many you got?” Baylee asked, jokingly. “I’m pretty hungry, maybe like three?”

Melissa flipped three pancakes onto Baylee’s plate, did the same to hers, then set the rest down on the counter. She picked up a pot full of scrambled eggs and spooned some onto each plate, then added a few pieces of bacon.

Categorized as Erotica

The Profile, Part Six [F]

# The Profile, Part Six

As the girls get ready for breakfast, Baylee has a shower…






Enjoying what you’re reading? I always love hearing what you think in the comments!

-Bells xoxo <3

Back in Melissa’s room, things had calmed down a bit and Baylee had returned to stroking Melissa’s hair while she lay content in her lap.

It was Melissa who finally broke the silence.

“Well that was…” she started. She didn’t know how to finish the sentence. She wanted to say *so hot, amazing, the best thing that’s ever happened,* but she couldn’t find the words. They just wouldn’t come out.

“I know,” said Baylee, “it was a huge mistake.”

Immediately, Melissa felt the familiar sting of tears forming in her eyes.

“What?” Her voice cracked as she said it, and a single tear welled up and rolled down her cheek onto Baylee’s leg.

“We shouldn’t have started with the bikini top,” said Baylee, “I mean we barely got any photos taken. Now we’ll have to spend all day tomorrow doing it, too.” She flashed a big, shit-eating grin.

The Profile, Part Five [FF]/[F]

# The Profile, Part Five


The girls finally give into the feelings they’ve been avoiding all day. Hope you enjoy! -Bells xoxo <3

The rest of the series can be found below:





As she laid there soaking in the waves of pleasure that came every time Baylee’s hand touched her, Melissa began to gyrate her hips ever so slightly. It didn’t go unnoticed, and soon Baylee had moved past her hair and down to her shoulders and arms, running her hands up and down in slow, swirling patterns, tracing her fingertips over Melissa’s bare skin.

Goosebumps formed all over her body and the motion of her hips became more pronounced. A little moan escaped her lips and she pressed into Baylee’s lap, turning to look up at the girl who was making her feel this way with an expression of love and contentment on her face that melted Baylee’s heart. Baylee decided to escalate things.

With Melissa on her back, eyes closed, rocking her hips at every touch, Baylee worked her fingers along the outside edges of her body, slowly inching closer and closer to her perky A-cup breasts. Even through her bra, Melissa’s nipples now pushed proudly against her shirt, and Baylee took a chance.

Categorized as Erotica

The Profile, Part Four [FF]

# The Profile, Part Four

Things start getting a little more intimate between our two young love birds.

The rest of the series can be found below:




As always, if you like what you’re reading, let me know!

-Bells xoxo <3

All throughout dinner, Baylee and Melissa’s mother, Catherine, chatted about the mundane happenings in both of their lives. Melissa was unusually quiet, mulling over with each bite what Baylee had said to her upstairs.

*What did she mean*, she thought to herself, *was she just trying to wind me up again?* It had sounded so genuine though, not at all like the sarcastic tone she’d used before. Could Baylee share some of the same feelings that were starting to bubble up inside Melissa?

“Helloooo, earth to Melissa, I asked you a question,” said Catherine. “Are you alright sweetie? You seem awfully quiet. Not at all your normal chirpy self.”

“I’m fine,” mumbled Melissa, “just thinking about what I’m gonna do this summer.”

Categorized as Erotica

The Profile, Part Three

# The Profile, Part Three

The third chapter in Melissa and Baylee’s adventures.

Continuing on from: [](

First part here: [](

Hope you’re enjoying so far! Let me know what you think in comments :)

On the screen was a website for escorts. Dozens of photos of women in next to nothing flooded the page, with headlines like ‘Busty blonde waiting for you’ and ‘Exotic massage from a gorgeous geisha girl’. Baylee scrolled through them, and Melissa could see her hands trembling.

“Bay… is this for real? Are you really on this thing?” asked Melissa. Her forehead was all scrunched up with worry.

“Yes. I mean, not yet, but once I get my photos done, I’m gonna sign up. Lots of girls are doing it. And you know I like older men. It’s not like I’m going to fuck them, just give them some company from a hot, young piece of ass for a few hours a night. And if they want to pay me for it, then that’s even better,” Baylee said, sounding like she was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince Melissa.

Categorized as Erotica

The Profile, Part Two

# The Profile, Part Two

Continuing from the first part, here: [](

Let me know what you think! I’ve got some side stories that spin off from the main story in the works, too, with a few more sexy bits ;)

By the time the girls got back to Melissa’s house, the sun was starting to creep slowly towards the horizon. It had been a big day for them and they were exhausted. Melissa’s mum was in the kitchen as the two girls walked through the door.

“Where have you two been all day?” she asked, cutting vegetables and swaying to the soft jazz that floated in from the living room.

Melissa hesitated, but Baylee was quick with a reply. “Just looking at new swimsuits, now that summer is almost here. Mel was helping me find the perfect top.” As she said it, she turned and gave Melissa a little wink.

Melissa’s mum didn’t even turn around. “Sounds like fun,” she said, then asked, “Baylee, are you staying for dinner?”

“I’d be delighted to, Mrs. Dellinger. What are we having?” Baylee replied.

Categorized as Erotica

The Profile, Part One

Hi everyone! It’s my first time posting publicly :D Be gentle (or not hehe). -Bells xoxo <3

# The Profile, Part One


Melissa Dellinger sat cross-legged on her bed staring at her laptop screen. Her heart started to beat faster as she typed into the empty text box.

“Young, horny brunette, ready to get it on!”

That sounded stupid. She quickly deleted everything and started again.

“I’m waiting to make your wildest dreams come true…”

Better, but she wasn’t trying to sound like one of those softcore porn books her mum read in the bathtub. She needed something that was going to make her stand out and get her the attention she wanted.

It came to her. Trembling nervously, she typed each word carefully.

“Lost little girl looking for Daddy with strong hands.”

As the words appeared across her screen, she felt the heat building between her legs. Her stomach had butterflies and she caught her lip in her teeth a little. That was the one. She hesitated a moment more before finally clicking ‘Save’.