M4F Your First Massage

Between work and your family, life had gotten more and more stressful with every passing day. Your back and shoulders ache, your head throbbed, and you were losing sleep every night. Not to mention you never had energy for sex. Your husband still tried, and despite how much you assured him that sex was still enjoyable and that you were just tired, you could tell it made him unhappy.

He began to try and solve the problems any way he could, send the kids off to his moms for a weekend. He rubbed your back. He picked up extra shifts so you could work part time. Nothing was reducing your stress. Then he booked you a professional massage.

You were hesitant at first, but as you pulled into the parking lot a wave a relief came over you. The building was large and looked very classy, people walking in and out as you say goodbye to your husband. You talked to the receptionist and she led you to your room. “Your masseur will be in shortly.” You had originally booked with an older woman, and your husband preferred you not be massaged by another man, maybe she just misspoke. Then I walked in….

Categorized as Erotica