Gas station romance [MF]

There once was a guy, average height for a man dark featured and handsome. And there once was a girl. Drunk, shy, weird. Not the type to stand out to a man really. But this guy really caught her eye. He was her exact type in every way possible. She once saw him as she was going to beauty school and he was taking out some trash. Very sexy I know. But he made it so sexy. And that is when this all began. The late night store runs began. Heck she needed her alcohol and snacks anyways why not? But let’s be honest about the real reasons she came by. To see him. Because he significantly brightened her day. The adrenaline would rush right before seeing him. Heart pounding, she’d go up to the counter and try and do something slightly cute or flirtatious. And she caught him at times acting flirty back. Eventually of course. Took long enough. Long enough of coming in and catching stolen glances or trying to sneakily look him over a bit. Nothing too pervy of course. But she just couldn’t help herself. He was her kryptonite. And wrapped up in the most delectable package. She felt too tall and too unattractive but she just had to have him. And once she set her mind to things she often got it. So one night, when it was late enough to where it was deserted she thought, “Tonight is when I will see if he is also willing”.

Categorized as Erotica