Please share constructive comments. I have posted parts of this elsewhere, but I would like more feedback before I post more chapters.
My wife, Meghan, was raised in a small religious sect/community in Oregon. Sex was not discussed, and if it was, it was to call it the devil’s work except in marriage. Even dancing was not allowed in this community. But as we all know, this kind of attitude often just makes kids more curious and eager to rebel in various ways.
At some point (everyone is legal age BTW), the church youth group including my wife and her older sister went on a camping trip in the Pacific Northwest somewhere. Boys and girls slept in different areas, but were together doing activities and prayer during the days. The boys actually had their tents on an small island in the lake to make it hard to mix at night.
There were church youth leaders there, but they were 20 somethings and probably not too interested in teaching the evils of the flesh to these kids.