More than friends

PT. 2

She got up in the middle of the night to pee. Her waking was enough to stir him as well and he pulled the sheets back. When she returned, she crawled into bed and faced him this time. She also wrapped her arms around him. She’d taken her hoodie off and was in a tank top.

“This isn’t bothering you is it?” She asked.

“Not at all” he sighed. This is what he wanted. It was also causing him to be aroused again. This time she took notice and began to reach down and rest her hand on his hip. Her hand was ice cold from being outside of the covers.

“Don’t you dare go any further with that hand while it’s that cold!” He instructed.

She looked him straight in the eyes and said “Yes, daddy.” The sultry tone she used was different than he’d ever heard her talk to him. He was now hard pressing against her. He pulled her closer to him and they finally kissed. It started off innocent enough and went straight to exploring each others tongues. He place his thumb on her throat and his hand on the side of her face and began kissing her neck. Out of nowhere, her still cool hand started playing at the waste of his sweatpants.

More than friends

They’d hung out with friends at bars on multiple occasions and recently moved onto hanging out and watching TV. Living in the same neighborhood made it real easy to meet up or share a ride somewhere. They were in the middle of bourbon and GoT’s night when he’d finally noticed her in a different light. Her red locks reflected the light in his living room in a different manner tonight. They were both comfortable with one another. If there demeanor didn’t give it away, the fact that they were in sweats and hoodies would definitely have . You could tell because they were laying on the sectional, he on the long end and her on the short with their heads right next to each other. This night he noticed more. Her hazel-green eyes, or light red hair. The smell of her perfume or body spray, whichever it was.

She caught him looking at her and picked her head up. “What?” She said.