The Apple of Eden Part 2 [OC]

This the second part. The first part is here: [](

After we “completed” our biological duties, we decided to take a shower together, since the barriers were pretty much lifted. We were both silent as we cleaned our bodies from our bodily fluids, while my sister was trying to look at any other direction except the one I was in. However, I couldn’t take my gaze away from her. The water drops were dripping on her tanned skin, falling down from her breasts to her tummy and then to the ground. I could watch the movement of the drops for hours. She had soap on some parts of her body, which she was trying to remove with the help of a sponge she was always using while she was taking a shower – I remember even when we were young she used to clean her body with sponges-. But her look was always facing the wall, or the rest of the room, she completely avoided looking at me. She didn’t in fact acknowledge my existence. I touched her shoulder, since I felt the silence was way too weird, but she didn’t react. She didn’t even reply when I told her that I loved her. Nothing complete silence. Then after a few minutes of awkward silence, she exited the shower, wore her bathrobe and left the bathroom, all without speaking a single word to me.

The Apple of Eden [OC]

In my house we never locked the bathroom door. We, in fact, didn’t even have the keys anymore, my mother took them away when we were young and now it’s just a fact of life that the bathroom is not being locked. We just trust each other to not enter the bathroom when it’s closed. We are no savages after all.

I was 3 years older than my sister, Anastasia. While I was studying Medicine in Athens (our city), she was studying educational sciences, in order to be a teacher -her passion-, in a small Greek island.

However, due to the COVID crisis, she came back and since the exams were done via the internet, she stayed here in our childhood house for an indefinite amount of time.
I always liked my little sister. She was I guess cute, funny, and clever. We did everything together. She was what would describe as a tomboy, I guess. But, I hadn’t really seen her enough during the past years, and I almost forgot about her existence. I only saw her during the holidays, and she was always outside with her friends, and her new boyfriend. But, even I could tell that she had grown since our childhood years. She got taller, of course, but she is also became more mature. She loved children, and her body -you could tell- was ready to host some little devils inside her. Her breast got incredibly big (almost with an absurd growth rate), and her hips to waist ratio made her look ripe and ready for her future maternal role.